Flintlock only season a petition (not mine)

On my private property, I wear it to and from the stand, but take it off while I'm in the stand.
Exactly ....trespassing and poachers are going to be always with us ....so I'd hate to be shot on my own ground were no other human being should be that I don't know. Better safe than sorry ...you can take it off once in the stand ...get real guys some shoot at movement .
I'm more and more starting to favor a general deer season with the hunter choosing his favorite legal means of killing his deer. When the fella told me the particulars of his petition, I was suddenly given pause, and I thought to myself good luck with that one. He seemed so sincere🙄 so I signed the petition anyway.👍

I've got a soft spot for traditional muzzleloaders and have had it for over 50 years....I'm very fortunate to have had several great mentors' way back then that taught me the tricks of the trade of managing a flintlock rifle. Below is me on Thanksgiving Day 1978 before there was a muzzle loading season in Tennessee with my "trophy" buck taken with a flintlock built by me with a little help from one of my mentors and I've still got the skull mount.
I've never owned a flintlock but hunted for years with a traditions that used the #11 percussion cap. Smooth bore octagon barrel and loved it. But didn't love the reliability of those caps. When wet or damp they wouldn't go off. And missed many opportunities at killing game. And having to change the cap 5 times to get it to fire. Deer don't usually hang around for long periods of time.
Don't own a flintlock or even a muzzleloader. Also don't bow hunt, mainly because of the size of my property…….don't need one going 500 yards and end up on the wrong property. I think that I probably miss the best stage of the rut. I probably need to get a muzzleloader, but I know nothing about them and wonder if it's worth it to gain an extra two weeks of hunting.? As far as the petition, I seriously doubt it will matter regardless of how many sign.
Don't own a flintlock or even a muzzleloader. Also don't bow hunt, mainly because of the size of my property…….don't need one going 500 yards and end up on the wrong property. I think that I probably miss the best stage of the rut. I probably need to get a muzzleloader, but I know nothing about them and wonder if it's worth it to gain an extra two weeks of hunting.? As far as the petition, I seriously doubt it will matter regardless of how many sign.
Depends on where you are. If you're hunting near or north of Nashville, yes, you are missing the peak of the rut. Farther east, south and west, probably not. On my place, in a good acorn year, peak breeding is right in the Nov. 10-20 window. Considering gun season may not open until the 23rd (the latest date it can open), you are missing the best hunting if waiting until gun season.
Depends on where you are. If you're hunting near or north of Nashville, yes, you are missing the peak of the rut. Farther east, south and west, probably not. On my place, in a good acorn year, peak breeding is right in the Nov. 10-20 window. Considering gun season may not open until the 23rd (the latest date it can open), you are missing the best hunting if waiting until gun season.
East TN mountains…..few miles outside the National Park.
Don't own a flintlock or even a muzzleloader. Also don't bow hunt, mainly because of the size of my property…….don't need one going 500 yards and end up on the wrong property. I think that I probably miss the best stage of the rut. I probably need to get a muzzleloader, but I know nothing about them and wonder if it's worth it to gain an extra two weeks of hunting.? As far as the petition, I seriously doubt it will matter regardless of how many sign.
Muzzleloader is the best time IMO for middle TN. There's no other 2 weeks I'd rather be in the woods than those 2 middle weeks of November. I don't archery hunt anymore because it's too hot but if they changed those 2 weeks to archery I'd start again.
I don't like orange either I don't wear it at all on my places. Hate wearing it on our leases but it is what it is.

I love to bow hunt, got out of it for a few years got back into it.

As far as the seasons I think we leave them alone personally. We have a very liberal gun season especially compared to midwest states. Most hunters aren't going to hunt when it's hot which it most of bow season as well. I like what we have.

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