I'm just saying are there any cases it's been transmitted to humans.
I bet 90% the people here have eaten CWD positive deer.
I would doubt that, think it would be a much smaller percentage. The spread of the disease across the state didn't start until recently and is currently only proven to be in less than one third of the counties. Sounds like a pretty good portion of members here, who are in the cwd areas, are having their deer tested. I had my last two tested, deer I killed in 2019 and the one I killed this year. Still waiting on the results from the deer I killed this year
If you're not willing to eat a deer that tests positive then you shouldn't be hunting in a known infected area. What a waste of meat and an unnecessary waste of life to kill that animal just to throw it away. My personal opinion but I find that to be completely unethical hunting.
I spend a lot of my time between skinning quartering butchering and packaging the deer we kill. To throw it out for a positive test would be a real kick in the nuts. I don't shoot a deer with intentions of not eating it.
I don't think a person hunting is in any way unethical because they kill a deer and wait for test results before eating what they killed, and then deciding whether or not it is safe to feed their family. Labeling another unethical based on YOUR opinion does noone any good. There must be some reason authorities and experts are agreeing that humans should not be consuming deer that are infected. Could they be being overly cautious, probably. Is it worth that risk to have my child or wife develop a wasting disease, no way. That is my opinion though and I respect your right to have yours.
Seems to be some interesting parallels to opinions on this and the covid vaccines.
Been some very interesting and some enlightening posts here, have to question though, what credentials some posting may have. Admittedly I don't know enough about the potential for a jump or transmission of this to say I know for certain it cannot happen. I do know for certain after watching my mother suffer with dementia, and seeing first hand how some degenerative neurological diseases can be extremely cruel, that I do not want my family dealing with such.
And I don't eat or feed my family processed meats nor fast foods either. I grind our burger from sirloin tip roasts that I trim, no pink slime fed to family.