Freak Nasty just showed up!

Whitetail 4 eva said:
redblood said:
just curious- why do u call him freek nasty? is he stinky?
he is a very nice deer btw, but i wouldnt classify his rack as freaky. he seems to have several stickers tho

When you only see small bucks all year and this one shows up he is a freak nasty to you! If it makes you feel better you can call him 'large buck #1' lol!

he is a great deer and i would love to shoot him. just not sure what freak nasty means.
He could easily hit low 140s gross with that mass, tine length, and long main beams. It's hard to age him without another picture.

As for hunting him, I would converge all my cameras in that area to try and figure some type of pattern. I would set the cameras up in potential food sources and go from there. If he is no longer in the area then you are just wasting your time trying to chase him.
I have been getting a few more pics of this deer, but he usually skips nights. He is very unpredictable. Sometimes he will skip only one day and sometimes up to 9 days. Most all pics are at night. The earliest was about 6pm and the latest was around 655am. If I would have been out that morning I could have gotten him. With only 3 days left in the season, I think he will make it to next season.
Looks like a mature deer, hard to tell by one pic. And it looks like he has a broken G4 on one side. My guess would be mid 130's again hard to tell. Either way he is a nice deer! If you dont get him this year it would be interesting to see what he comes back with next year!