Super 8 if you had new strings and cables put on the bow then you will need to get it set up again, just like it was new because it is. Check the bow specs and make sure the string and cable are correct. The axle to axle length and the brace height are critical to making a bow perform the way it is supposed to.
IF they are right then make sure all the accessories are in the right place (kisser, peep, nocking point, etc.). Then tune the bow. Several methods for checking that. Paper tuning, walkback, bareshaft, and broadhead. But get the bow tuned and the arrows flying true.
Then and only then do you start messing with the sight. The sight is the last step in setting up your bow. Get the bow tuned first then set your sights. Once the arrows are flying true do not adjust the rest or the nocking point again. Set you peep and kisser button to you, do NOT bring you to the peep or kisser.
To set the front sights chase the arrows with the pin. If shooting high move the pin up If shooting right move the pin right. Never adjust your pin due to the effects of a single arrow. Shoot groups. Adjust the group not a single arrow. Do not try to adjust the arrows impact point on the target by adjusting the rest (I see this all the time). The arrow rest and nocking point are to only used to tune the arrow flight not the point of impact. POI is the job of the peep, kisser, and the pins.