The whistle had not blown, they ruled the ref on the side was signaling forward progress had been stopped before he crossed the goal line, if you watch you can see him running in before the TN RB is stopped. That is what made the difference, if they had been just listening for a whistle they overturn the call. I don't agree at all, he was still driving his legs and moving forward. That's a touchdown all day long and great effort on his part but once he said progress was stopped you can't overturn it.I'm confused why they reviewed it? Then said it didn't matter cause whistle blew anyhow.
Why review something if you can't overturn it
It's a head scratcher for sure because the whistle was definitely after his arm was outstretched with the ball breaking the plane.I guess it that .01 of a second his progress was stoped it was enough to blow it dead.
Funny you put me on blast like that.
If either team could've played defense they would've won decisively. It was a fun game to watch. Sorry GBO hearts were broken.Funny you put me on blast like that.
I see all these crys for help in this thread whineing about the touchdown that wasn't but no talk about the huge lead that was blown that WOULD have cemented the game. The non touchdown would have never come into play if vols handled their bussiness.
The lead was blown yes, but that has nothing to do with the FACT that it was a blown call. It was a touchdown! That is a fact.Funny you put me on blast like that.
I see all these crys for help in this thread whineing about the touchdown that wasn't but no talk about the huge lead that was blown that WOULD have cemented the game. The non touchdown would have never come into play if vols handled their bussiness.
Yeah that is what in seeing now, from everything I've heard they was no whistle blown until after the ball was in the endzone. All the ref had to do is throw up a hand single I guess.The whistle had not blown, they ruled the ref on the side was signaling forward progress had been stopped before he crossed the goal line, if you watch you can see him running in before the TN RB is stopped. That is what made the difference, if they had been just listening for a whistle they overturn the call. I don't agree at all, he was still driving his legs and moving forward. That's a touchdown all day long and great effort on his part but once he said progress was stopped you can't overturn it.
Blown calls are a FACT of football. It happens. Having your stuff together and holding onto leads deflates blown calls. THAT is a FACT JACkThe lead was blown yes, but that has nothing to do with the FACT that it was a blown call. It was a touchdown! That is a fact.
When you team has a game coming up you should keep your mouth shut. Just saying.Blown calls are a FACT of football. It happens. Having your stuff together and holding onto leads deflates blown calls. THAT is a FACT JACk
Yall are a salty bunch as of late. Telling me to shut my mouth and my mom needed to have had a abortion. Classy.When you team has a game coming up you should keep your mouth shut. Just saying.
Bama fan coming in late to this discussion. Fellow Bama fans shouldn't challenge the lost lead, as we barely escaped a horrible Auburn (6-7 record) loss this season.The whistle had not blown, they ruled the ref on the side was signaling forward progress had been stopped before he crossed the goal line, if you watch you can see him running in before the TN RB is stopped. That is what made the difference, if they had been just listening for a whistle they overturn the call. I don't agree at all, he was still driving his legs and moving forward. That's a touchdown all day long and great effort on his part but once he said progress was stopped you can't overturn it.
True, and they was saying on the radio this morning that's the reason JH was going for it on 4th down and not taking the 3pts. If it's a week 3 conference game he kicks the FG all day there.I would not sweat this. It's not like anyone is going to remember a bowl game come next season. It's just a glorrified scrimmage game to get swag bags.
Good point alot of stuff don't make sense.Bama fan coming in late to this discussion. Fellow Bama fans shouldn't challenge the lost lead, as we barely escaped a horrible Auburn (6-7 record) loss this season.
I had to record the game on DVR, which stopped recording during overtime.So I had to watch the OT ending this morning through YouTub... I gotta say that was a horrible ending. Everyone saw the missed call.
Why can a Coach challenge ball placement for a first down spot, but can't challenge a line judge's opinion of when forward progress was stopped?
Bama fan coming in late to this discussion. Fellow Bama fans shouldn't challenge the lost lead, as we barely escaped a horrible Auburn (6-7 record) loss this season.
I had to record the game on DVR, which stopped recording during overtime.So I had to watch the OT ending this morning through YouTub... I gotta say that was a horrible ending. Everyone saw the missed call.
Why can a Coach challenge ball placement for a first down spot, but can't challenge a line judge's opinion of when forward progress was stopped?