Same here. No doubt it's a fine cartridge, but I just can't make myself like it. I turned down a fine old Remington BDL chambered for it a few years back because of it. I kinda regret that.
Heck, it ain't like I'm gonna start wearing a Tutu, change my name to Ricardo and take up interpretive dance or something. It's just a cartridge…..right…..???
I won a 270 once on a punch board. I went to the store and got 2 boxes of ammo and shot it. Nothing really blew my skirt up and a little while later a local family's house burned and the dad and both boys hunted. They lost all their guns in the fire. I got 3 more boxes of ammo and gave them the rifle, scope and ammo.
They got to hunt and I didn't have to tell anyone I owned a 270.