Gay 270

Think I need to run my .270 handloaded 145 grain eldx through the chrono and compare to the 6.5 handloaded 143 grain eldx. I am gonna guess that with the 270 running the same powder (imr4350), but 10 grains more, that velocities and drop will be better with the 270. I like both and have killed a lot of animals with both. Can't see any reason for bashing either.
Apples to apples? Almost same weight projos. 270 at 52 grains imr4350 while 6.5 at 42 grains imr4350.
what makes this entire thread SO funny to me at my age is the 270 WAS the 6.5cm when i was growing it. IT was the "cool" round vs the 308 and 06 all the old timers used for so many years. Now the 6.5 is the new 270 and those same 270 guys from back then make fun of the 6.5. Its like it has all come full circle for me hahah.
what makes this entire thread SO funny to me at my age is the 270 WAS the 6.5cm when i was growing it. IT was the "cool" round vs the 308 and 06 all the old timers used for so many years. Now the 6.5 is the new 270 and those same 270 guys from back then make fun of the 6.5. Its like it has all come full circle for me hahah.
what makes this entire thread SO funny to me at my age is the 270 WAS the 6.5cm when i was growing it. IT was the "cool" round vs the 308 and 06 all the old timers used for so many years. Now the 6.5 is the new 270 and those same 270 guys from back then make fun of the 6.5. Its like it has all come full circle for me hahah.
This is true. But the 6.5 came 40 years BEFORE the 270 win, and 20 years before the '06, etc.
No point to this observation other than...the 6.5 has been around a long time.
Only with Hornady's marketing tactics and hype (read..BS) has it become so popular.
This is true. But the 6.5 came 40 years BEFORE the 270 win, and 20 years before the '06, etc.
No point to this observation other than...the 6.5 has been around a long time.
Only with Hornady's marketing tactics and hype (read..BS) has it become so popular.

im not debating which came first or how old one is. Im just commenting on my experiences at 46 years old. Where I grew up NW FL and Alabama in the 80s and early 90s the 270 WAS what the 6.5 is now just without social media. It was CRAZY popular in those areas with the younger crowd and the draw was exactly the same as the 6.5 is now. It was FAST, FLAT, and less recoil then the more popular 06 most guys normally carried. I imagine if social media or message boards existed back then these same arguments would be happening

again small sample sizes, I just remember all the people I knew and magazine articles at the time LOVED the 270 hence its major rise in popularity around that time period (not that it wasnt popular prior to that). If you were in that 40 and under crowd you prob had a 270, if you were in the over 40 crowd you prob had an 06.

I just is funny to me a lot of those 270 guys in that time period Im referencing now dump on the 6.5 popularity now even though its pretty much the exact same thing just in a short action.
im not debating which came first or how old one is. Im just commenting on my experiences at 46 years old. Where I grew up NW FL and Alabama in the 80s and early 90s the 270 WAS what the 6.5 is now just without social media. It was CRAZY popular in those areas with the younger crowd and the draw was exactly the same as the 6.5 is now. It was FAST, FLAT, and less recoil then the more popular 06 most guys normally carried. I imagine if social media or message boards existed back then these same arguments would be happening

again small sample sizes, I just remember all the people I knew and magazine articles at the time LOVED the 270 hence its major rise in popularity around that time period (not that it wasnt popular prior to that). If you were in that 40 and under crowd you prob had a 270, if you were in the over 40 crowd you prob had an 06.

I just is funny to me a lot of those 270 guys in that time period Im referencing now dump on the 6.5 popularity now even though its pretty much the exact same thing just in a short action.
I got what you were saying. As I said, no point to my comment other than the 6.5 had been around longer.
Nothing wrong with either caliber. What's funny is...I'm 57 and have owned and shot all of the ones you mentioned. For the type of hunting I do, I don't see a performance difference in either of them. I will say though...that of all the dead deer I've seen...the ones shot with a 270 had the most damage done to them....meat loss.
Growing up hunting out west. If you didn't carry a .270 you carried a 7 mag. I have no idea why it's just the way it was. Lots of guys had pops 30.06 from back in the day. Those two rounds were just very popular. Very. Now I think I need to head to Walmart for that 6.5 that's calling my name.
Growing up hunting out west. If you didn't carry a .270 you carried a 7 mag. I have no idea why it's just the way it was. Lots of guys had pops 30.06 from back in the day. Those two rounds were just very popular. Very. Now I think I need to head to Walmart for that 6.5 that's calling my name.
The 6.5s are good shooting rifles. There's just nothing magical about them. You will still need to do your part. As an added bonus...I've found a lot of 6.5 ammo on clearance lately. Guess the hype is petering out... 😂
2 totally different 6.5's
Agreed, but with similar ballistics. I am a huge Swede fan. And even though they have similar ballistics....The CM caught on. Same with the 260 rem. All very similar. Now, when you point that out, you get the....well the CM ammo can be bought anywhere, etc.'s called marketing. I know the CM is a more efficient design...but the end result (performance) is the same.
Ive owned several CMs, grendels, 260s, 6.5x284, and Swedes. If given a choice...I would take a swede.
That said...I do currently hunt with a CM. Not because I think I can shoot deer 3 counties away with it, but rather...I wanted a particular rifle, and that's what it was chambered in... 😂
Now it's for sale in the classifieds...going with something different. It to will be a CM, but not because of anything other than when I bought the Browning, I stocked up on ammo... several cases.
Had it been any other caliber, I would have done the same thing. I limit myself to shots less than 250 yards...most anything will work for my use.
And I'll go ahead and say this...just because I can... 😂 😂

My 5'2" 83lb daughter shoots 150g 7mm08. Never complained one time about recoil. If a grown azz, 200+ lb man can't handle the recoil of anything more than a CM...then bwahahahaha..!! 😂
My Bowning A Bolt .270 Winchester with hand loaded 150 gr hornady interlocks shooting at speeds of 2700 fps, is deadly out to 500 yds on a whitetail. My max distance is 400 yds and at that distance it still has 1153 lbs of energy.

I like the 150 gr bullet a little better than a lighter bullet as it seems to have better knockdown power when you hit them right. The longest shot I've taken on a whitetail is 250 yds and they were dead in 2 steps.

Both my bucks taken this year were with my .270 and one ran 50 yds shot through the heart and the next one was DRT shot at the base of the neck. There was no exit due to the angle of the shot (quarter to) but most shots have an exit hole about the size of a quarter.

I've never been disappointed when I walked up to a deer that the bullet hadn't done its job or more importantly that it did way too much!

The recoil on the rifle is very comfortable and I've never thought wow that thing kicks. When shooting an animal you never feel anything and the follow-up is easy. Yes, I've had to follow up a shot before.

Overall, I love my .270 and you can call it what you wish, but it's still my favorite deer rifle. I have total confidence in it and that's important.

All joking aside, the .270 is a fine cartridge that I regret not trying more often. I've killed a few deer with my ex FIL's Ruger 77 Boat Paddle so chambered, and was pleased with the result. My childhood best friend hunted (and still does) exclusively with one, and I've been in on some long deer drags on account of that rifle. He's as deadly as any hunter that's ever walked with it.
I don't really have any thing against any popular deer calibers/cartridges. I have killed a bunch with .308, .30-06, and 8x57. I don't give 2 truck loads of bullshit what anyone says about them.
I don't really have any thing against any popular deer calibers/cartridges. I have killed a bunch with .308, .30-06, and 8x57. I don't give 2 truck loads of bullshit what anyone says about them.
All fine cartridges. Is the 8x57 the Mauser cartridge? I used to have a 8mm Mauser, but don't remember the exact designation.
My 5'2" 83lb daughter shoots 150g 7mm08. Never complained one time about recoil.
That is probably about the size my oldest daughter was when I took her to Wyoming for mule deer and antelope, she was 14 at the time. She was pretty proud when a couple guys at the breakfast table at the hotel we stayed at asked her what she was hunting with and she told them a 270.

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