Thanks for reminding us TENNESSEE fans of that buddy……you know I really don't have anything against Bama's program, coaches, players, etc. I grew up around several guys just like you here in Middle Tennessee…..2nd or 3rd generation bandwagon bammers who's father or grandfather jumped on in the Bear years. The same guys to this day who try to make me feel inferior to them because of a football team. The same guys who went $1000's in debt to send their kids to Bama just to fulfill some dream that they couldn't accomplish. It's a shame somebody uses a football program to shame someone else. My wife's cousin who is a die hard 2nd generation bammer, won't speak to her this day because she commented on his Facebook after the Auburn Iron Bowl win in 2013. I've met some humble bammers though that you could actually talk with but honestly the majority are like the three of you stooges on this talk board.