It looks like they proposed other changes besides the youth bag limit increase. It may not be what yo unwanted, but it appears they are listening some. For instance on the last comment period, i asked that raccoon season be opened year round and while they didn't go that far, they are proposing to open it in July.
They also are proposing to lower fall limits in 16 mid tn counties. some would be lowered from 6 to 3 and others from 3 to 1. not 100% of what most want, but a step in the right direction.
from the article:
In regard to wild turkey hunting, Agency recommendations included several changes to hunts on Tennessee's public lands. They also included lowering the bag limit for fall turkeys from six to three in 16 Middle Tennessee counties and from three to one in Lincoln and Lewis counties due to declining harvest in TWRA Region II. Several commissioners made additional recommendations. One would increase the bag limit for the Young Sportsman Turkey Hunt from one bird for the two-day hunt to one bird per day to match the statewide daily bag and provide additional youth opportunity. Another would open the raccoon season on private lands earlier, from July 1 at sunset until sunset the Friday before Thanksgiving (when the regular season opens) and allow one raccoon per party, per night. - See more at: ... O7GD8.dpuf