Hunted a preserve last week over some English Setters. And now I'm sick…cannot stop thinking about the dog going from frenetic searching to being locked on point, at birds I wouldn't have had the faintest idea were there.
Extremely strongly considering getting a Brittany pup this summer from someone I know who has hunted over them for decades. Got an uncle who is going to South Dakota in the fall of 2026 for ducks and upland. Not worried if it cannot really retrieve ducks in potholes.
I'm about to take a plunge; the time to talk me out of it is now.
Help my wife before it's too late.
Extremely strongly considering getting a Brittany pup this summer from someone I know who has hunted over them for decades. Got an uncle who is going to South Dakota in the fall of 2026 for ducks and upland. Not worried if it cannot really retrieve ducks in potholes.
I'm about to take a plunge; the time to talk me out of it is now.
Help my wife before it's too late.