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Gobbling Report!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2002
Middle Tn
Just wondering what everyone is hearing for those who have been out early to listen.Ive only been here at my home listening from my yard 2 times but only heard 1 gobbler,a little early I guess.I will be going to my hunting spots in a few days to listen,hopefully I will hear a few for opening day!
I've been listening in west and middle TN since February 20th and have heard birds "on the limb" most mornings. Heard one to five, depending on the morning. Of course, I cherry picked the mornings I listened so conditions were ideal, and I heard birds on properties that I cannot hunt. Essentially, I may be able to engage up to half of the birds I've heard IF they stay put and do not shift, which is a BIG IF. Only time will tell.
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Went out Saturday morning and heard one on an adjoining property about 150 yards away. Watched him fly down and gave him a god awful somewhat sounding of a hen with my mouth (no call) and he bee lined right to me lol.

Heard one this morning across the road on the TN side as I was taking my trash to the road.
I heard three different birds gobbling until 10:00 am in southern middle TN this weekend while out mushroom hunting. Later that day, heard a lone gobbler gobble 1 time around noon.

I had a flock of hens with 2 gobblers in the field behind the house this morning. The gobblers were strutting and I'm sure they were gobbling, I just didn't go outside to listen. Southern Middle TN
Saw this one in the road strutting last week. Zoom in and you'll see him. As I pulled up beside him and took the second pic he gobbled. Didn't see any hens around.
Glad you all are hearing some,I saw some hens and two longbeards several days ago but they didn't gobble the next morning.I will get out a few mornings next week to some of my spots and hopefully hear a few and hope they stay in the area for Sat. morning!!
Rough day in south MS. Didn't get out till 830, but no gobbles despite fresh tracks (made after flydown today) and 5 miles on the boots. Took a break for a couple hours and came back where I cut the tracks earlier. Got 1 to gobble 1 time, have been working him, flanking, etc for the past hour and a half; but not another peep. I figured today would have been off the charts... bluebird skies, low humidity, as yest was terrible weather. I'm certain I haven't bumped him. Gonna stick with him till dark to see if he will give me a gobble at fly up time.
I heard three different birds gobbling until 10:00 am in southern middle TN this weekend while out mushroom hunting. Later that day, heard a lone gobbler gobble 1 time around noon.

I had a flock of hens with 2 gobblers in the field behind the house this morning. The gobblers were strutting and I'm sure they were gobbling, I just didn't go outside to listen. Southern Middle TN

Buzzard Breath....Not to side track the thread but I gotta ask....you find any shrooms? I'm going tomorrow afternoon hoping to find some of the early black ones.
Buzzard Breath....Not to side track the thread but I gotta ask....you find any shrooms? I'm going tomorrow afternoon hoping to find some of the early black ones.
I didn't and I was at an old reliable spot. I remember finding them there on the weekend before the youth hunt the past 2 years. I'm hoping to get out Friday afternoon and see if any came up.

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