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Gobbling Report!

they're gobbling. I love it, but being on public I hate it, because I know everyone that can hear them and will vector in on them.

Been there. Once he's told me where he is, I practically beg him to shut up!

Was set up on one a few years ago, and I hear a truck coming down the gravel road probably a quarter of mile away. It stops. I then hear the crow call.

"Please don't gobble!" "Please don't gobble!" "Please don't gobble!"

He didn't. I killed him a little later on.
Overall, the least gobblind I've ever heard on opening weekend. Birds would gobble on the roost, then hit the ground and 1 more gobble, then nothing for the rest of the day.

I couldn't even get the tom I shot yest morn to break strut after Elmer Fudding him to 25y. Cutting to him, stayed in strut, after a few minutes I just shot him facing at a 90 deg angle and put the dot an inch off his face. Worked out fine, didn't get a single pellet in the breast.

Not sure why they have been SO tight lipped this year where I'm at.

This morn, heard 1 bird gobble one single time on the roost. Nothing after that.
Gobbled good in Stewart county Saturday. less on Sunday and even less on Monday. had a buddy up from Florida, I called 2 within 40 but he couln't get the shot on either one. Doesn't seem to be as many hens as last year. Also had 2 big yotes at 60 , didnt think i could kill them at that distance so I held off. When i got home i put my rabbit squealer in my vest. We will see what happens this weekend.
I hunt western Montgomery County and it has been a strange year. Opening day they gobbled good on the roost and then I heard zero gobbles after 6:30. Monday morning was dead silent with no gobbles. Yesterday morning was very good gobbling but all of the birds were roosted in one location. Decent gobbling until the rain came in. The birds in my area have not yet split up like they traditionally have by this time.
I hunt western Montgomery County and it has been a strange year. Opening day they gobbled good on the roost and then I heard zero gobbles after 6:30. Monday morning was dead silent with no gobbles. Yesterday morning was very good gobbling but all of the birds were roosted in one location. Decent gobbling until the rain came in. The birds in my area have not yet split up like they traditionally have by this time.
My experience in Davidson/Rutherford mirrors this exactly. The spots that usually have turkeys once the flock breaks up are totally empty still. They're all stacked up in one area still it seems.

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