I appreciate all the responses and suggestions. I looked at several today, including some that weren't mentioned here. I couldn't find any mossbergs with the features I wanted. The one i was considering with two barrels was out of stock, and while it could have been ordered, I'm not sure when I would get another opportunity to get up there before season starts, so I looked at what was in stock.
Wow, Browning are expensive huh? And Beretta. Maybe one day, but not today.
I ended up going with the stoeger I was originally looking it. Only $300 with club points, came with two chokes, couldn't really find any bad reviews on it, and so far the only downside I see is I will need to find a gunsmith to drill and tap it for a rail if I want to add a dot or 4x scope for deer season.
I picked up two different kinds of shells for turkey, and a cheap box to run through it to get used to shooting it. I also got a case and a carlsons longbeard choke to go with it. They were out of the longbeard #6 shot.
The pic of the target is a customer review pic for this gun on the basspro website. Hoping the one I got will shoot just as good.