Good bow service... Finally!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
I've always had trouble finding good service from a bow shop. I've dealt with rude owners and wrong parts, one time resulting in a 28in draw when I shoot a 30.5. Anyways, for once I have found good service. I ordered some bowtech limbs about 3 weeks ago from Benton's Shooters. After the 2 weeks was up that I was told would be the delivery date, I called to check on them. Jeff, who I hadn't talked to at the time told me that for some reason they had not been ordered. He put in the order, warrantied it (which I didn't know was an option), and told me it should be about a week or so before they come in.

I'm not sure the story behind it, but it seemed like Jeff had just taken over the archery department. He was more helpful, and sociable than any other store or store owner I have dealt with. I typically work on my bow anyways, but if I need anything done that I can't do I'll be calling Benton's.
Good Deal.... I don't like dealing with the guys that know it all and have seen it all. Treat you like you don't know anything about bows.
I'm not going to name them off, but those know it alls are all around Knoxville. The trick is finding a know it all that doesn't act like one.
MKwood, A friend of mine found a dealer in seymour and said he wouldn't go to any other place as long as he was open. I haven't been up there but the friend can be one of those that is very hard to please sometime.
That's good to hear that there's more around. I haven't checked out any places up there, but I know my brother-in-law used to go to a 3d shoot up there somewhere... may be the same place. Jeff's the first one I've found with good service but that doesn't mean there's not more out there. It just seems like they're to few and far between. You know what brands he carries? I'm a bowtech man so I'm always looking for good bowtech dealers.
marlin45/70 said:
MKwood, A friend of mine found a dealer in seymour and said he wouldn't go to any other place as long as he was open. I haven't been up there but the friend can be one of those that is very hard to please sometime.
It is Smokey Mountain Archery(yes, I know they spell Smoky wrong).
Smokey Mountain Pro Archery in seymour is the only place i will go from now on. They carry Mathews, PSE, Hoyt and Mission bows. They also just opened up their 3d course.