That wouldn't bother me, and is well within margin of error.
I could understand on a club or outfitter requiring minimums but still think 6" is a reasonable, acceptable miss. So much of a rack's score estimate on the hoof is how it relates to body size. 114" rack on a small stature deer could look huge. 120" rack on a beefy deer would look small. Unless you've got pictures of the deer next to other deer to gage size, it's impossible to be certain until he's on the ground.
So I wouldn't sweat it. I kill deer here in this area all the time with sub 120" racks, and they are on mature bucks. I'd love to be hunting 140s and 150s but they simply don't exist here. If you put a 140" rack on one of these 130lb deer it would look like a moose! Proportionately the racks fit the bodies, so I accept it for what it is and am happy with what I get.