Ground Shrinkage?

If you hunt long enough and kill a few bucks, it's almost bound to happen to everyone. I have been on both sides of the coin in the situation. The type of terrain/cover you hunt can also have an impact on decision making. Like others have said, be thankful, learn from it, and move on to the next opportunity.
Be thankful and relive the hunt! Last year I killed a couple of 2.5 yr 8 pts that were chasing does. Both were exciting hunts, but I definitely relaxed by standards in the moment.

Tuesday I was out to kill a doe (I had killed a really nice 8 pt 2 weeks ago), but had a nice looking buck right at legal. I convinced him to stay in the field with me for 5 minutes to legal and then shot just as he was about to exit. When I went to look at him 20 min later, I was a disappointed because he was not as big as I thought, and he was a 9 pt that my daughter told me not to shoot — it was hers.

It was a small bodied young deer at 3.5, but turns out my #3 or 4 deer at 134" gross.

I still kind of wished I had let him walk to see if my daughter could have taken him or to let him grow another year. But it was still a good hunt and I'm grateful.
I'm sure some will think this sounds crazy, and even takes the fun out of hunting, but I've run cameras and censuses on my place for so many years that every buck I see I know instantly. "Oh that's buck #34. he's a 3 1/2 year-old 7-point that should score around 105." Now that doesn't mean ground shrinkage can't happen (a smaller than expected rack on a smaller than expected body), but it reduces my chances at ground shrinkage considerably.
I'm sure some will think this sounds crazy, and even takes the fun out of hunting, but I've run cameras and censuses on my place for so many years that every buck I see I know instantly. "Oh that's buck #34. he's a 3 1/2 year-old 7-point that should score around 105." Now that doesn't mean ground shrinkage can't happen (a smaller than expected rack on a smaller than expected body), but it reduces my chances at ground shrinkage considerably.
I try to know the buck I'm after and know which ones to lay off. But, during the rut, you can get those outsiders. This buck was not an outsider but he came in with his head held high looking all stud like and he just tripped my trigger literally. I'll definitely be more careful next time. He had the mass and tine length but suffered on the width. I only saw his profile.


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I had passed on a really decent eight point one year because I had already killed a good nine point on our lease in Giles Co. Next hunt I seen a couple fighting just out of range and one was a really good buck . High tines and mass couldn't tell how many points though . Following weekend I'm hunting that stand knowing the bucks had been skirting my permanent stand I brought my climber and moved further out the ridge . Early that first morning I seen a couple does come over the ridge. Heard another deer and up jumped what I thought was that buck...but no shot for the hedges . I'm in full alert because I figured once he had decided to go after those does he'd be running . Gun up safety off I'm ready he clears those hedges and I'm on him and fire. Direct hit he runs maybe 30-40 yds piles up . He's down not getting up so I start climbing down . Friend calls and asks did you "get him" ? Yeah I got him he's down . Go to him and he's the buck I passed two weeks ago . Let down for sure so I let my friend hunt my stand because I tagged out . Tell him to don't shoot does until later in the morning because that buck is still roaming out there . What does he do ? Shoot three does before 9:00 texts " I'm done " !🤣
Take it and eat it, just like the rest of em. It's hard not to shoot one smaller than what you think when you hunt the rut in mountain hardwoods. You're not getting to watch them with your binos in the bean field.
Likely cost me a shot at a dandy this past Friday, trying to determine if it WAS a buck first off, then when I finally saw the rack thru a slot in the trees, the race was on to try and find another slot to get a shot thru, and it just didn't happen and he was gone, following the doe he came running in after to begin with. 😩
Take it and eat it, just like the rest of em. It's hard not to shoot one smaller than what you think when you hunt the rut in mountain hardwoods. You're not getting to watch them with your binos in the bean field.
Yep. This has happened to me several times or the years. I had to make a quick decision and the buck ended up being smaller than I thought. Body and rack usually.
Happened to me this year. I kept hearing something behind me so I had been turned around in my stand. Turn back around front and he's right out in front of me at 75 yards. I checked him in the scope and thought he was bigger than what he was- I actually didn't get a shell loaded the first time I worked the bolt I was rushing so bad. He walked on and I actually loaded the gun this time and shot him in the next shooting lane.
Anyway, get down to him and he's smaller than what I thought. My initial reaction I was pissed at myself. After about a minute of that I caught myself. I said he's a fine deer, I was obviously excited when I shot him, he'll be delicious and just be thankful. And then I was.

I can't score deer for yugo. I've killed 3 bucks. The second was bigger than the first and I had decided I'm going to try and hold off get something bigger than number 2. Or, something obviously very old or unique, or just put a couple does down. In the end this was the smallest rack of the 3 but am still more than happy with him.
My first KY buck had such extreme ground shrinkage I thought maybe I found some one elses deer, lol. He is mounted and hangs with my first "mountable" TN buck and my "Best" ever Buck. It represents one of my best hunting stories and a successful hunt I cherish. So after I doubted myself a little, i tucked that away vowing to never feel that way again.
I try to know the buck I'm after and know which ones to lay off. But, during the rut, you can get those outsiders. This buck was not an outsider but he came in with his head held high looking all stud like and he just tripped my trigger literally. I'll definitely be more careful next time. He had the mass and tine length but suffered on the width. I only saw his profile.
Nice buck
Honestly, I'm not being a smart alec - I say to each his own, but I'm to the point in my life and deer hunting "career" I just try to enjoy the ride. I hunt mature bucks - it's my passion - But, some times I make the split second decision to kill one that isn't a bruiser. So be it. I enjoy deer hunting period. I'm going to enjoy the years I have left - however many or few they be. I've killed enough mature bucks, I don't have to prove anything to myself or anyone else. But, I understand kicking yourself for not passing one - been there numerous times. But, life's too short to worry about it. Enjoy it. We get to do something we love and that 90+ percent of the rest of the world will never get to enjoy. That's just me.
I'm sure some will think this sounds crazy, and even takes the fun out of hunting, but I've run cameras and censuses on my place for so many years that every buck I see I know instantly. "Oh that's buck #34. he's a 3 1/2 year-old 7-point that should score around 105." Now that doesn't mean ground shrinkage can't happen (a smaller than expected rack on a smaller than expected body), but it reduces my chances at ground shrinkage considerably.
Interesting POV. It is not uncommon for me and my buds to shoot a mature buck "during the rut" that just showed up, with no prior photos of him, even with plenty of cameras on the farm.
To OP, your license, your time invested, your decision, you removed ONE buck that you misjudged by 5" in an instant. That would be the LEAST of my worries in today's world. Think big picture, and deer hunting becomes a blip on the radar. As I texted you the day of your kill, congrats on your buck!