Harvest report

Huh??? Illogical reasoning....

If the limit were 3 or 4, you could add another 3000 dead birds to this year's total easily. Maybe even more than that when you factor in folks like me who would rather keep hunting than punch my 2nd tag and end the season early.
The only reason i said that is bc of the comments like only 5 percent of hunters limit each yr and so many only kill one bird or 2 birds. Did the 2 bird limit save more than 200, yes, it did. Did it save 3000, doubt it.
Did the 2 bird limit save more than 200, yes, it did. Did it save 3000, doubt it.
Based on the trajectory of the current harvest, the 2 bird limit might not end up saving a single solitary tom (when compared against 2022).

By May1, 2022 a total of 26,479 birds had been checked. Thus far in 2023, 25,956 birds have been checked. With nearly a month yet to go that's a difference of only 523 birds (and with 2 fewer weeks having been hunted).
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We don't know how harvest will compare as of yet, remember season goes through Memorial day weekend. My guess is we will kill more birds with a two bird limit than a three bird limit( just a guess). The season is nowhere near over and we are closing in already on the normal 30k mark. I guess we will find out soon .
I guess we will find out soon.
I ran a report during opening week and we were some 4k birds behind last year. Ran it again maybe 10 days later we'd closed the gap to 1100. Checking it this morning and we're just 523 birds short. With 27 days remaining I don't think there's any way we DON'T surpass 2022.
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Our birds have completely gone silent and cameras show they seem to have vanished. It was hot action and went downhill fast. If other places are like ours, not many more birds will be killed.

What I'm interested in seeing is the number of poults we see in the next few months due to the 2 week delay and potentially many more hens initiating and having successful nests. If many more than usual, the harvest number won't seem as bad, since there may be a good recruitment of young birds entering the population. I know I'm being optimistic.
I ran a report during opening week and we were some 4k birds behind last year. Ran it again maybe 10 days later we'd closed the gap to 1100. Checking it this morning and we're just 523 birds short. With 27 days remaining I don't think there's any way we DON'T surpass 2022.
I agree that we will surpass last year's total. However, I show that we killed 29,993 total last season, statewide. Through today (17 days + juvenile), I show 25,968 for this season.

Check my math, but it looks like last year, after the juvenile weekend and 17 days of regular season, we had killed 20,450 — or 68% of the total harvest for 2022.
Is there any data on how many hunters last year killed more than 2 birds. In theory those hunters will be done this year after 2 birds. So, if the overall number of hunters this year remains about the same as last year I would think you would start to see the numbers flatten out over the next week or so. I may be thinking about this the wrong way. I would think the only way we would greatly exceed last year would be for the other hunters that did not harvest two birds last year would in fact harvest 2 birds this year. Again, I may be way off in my thinking. Would not be the first time.
Is there any data on how many hunters last year killed more than 2 birds. In theory those hunters will be done this year after 2 birds. So, if the overall number of hunters this year remains about the same as last year I would think you would start to see the numbers flatten out over the next week or so. I may be thinking about this the wrong way. I would think the only way we would greatly exceed last year would be for the other hunters that did not harvest two birds last year would in fact harvest 2 birds this year. Again, I may be way off in my thinking. Would not be the first time.
Very small percentage killed three, 70 percent killed 1, 20/23 percent ( I can't remember which) killed two. More people are going to kill two this year than last in my opinion.People are in the woods while gobblers are most vulnerable. Most people would be gone by now . It was around 7 percent I believe that killed 3. Twra presents that information every year at the meeting.
Very small percentage killed three, 70 percent killed 1, 20/23 percent ( I can't remember which) killed two. More people are going to kill two this year than last in my opinion.People are in the woods while gobblers are most vulnerable. Most people would be gone by now . It was around 7 percent I believe that killed 3. Twra presents that information every year at the meeting.
Thanks for the information, I guess my assumption was wrong. You are correct in the week we would have normally been going into the last week of the season but now we still have almost a month.
I recall in years past different folks would run the harvest report and always get different results…this might be what's going here (or maybe I ran it wrong).
Very small percentage killed three, 70 percent killed 1, 20/23 percent ( I can't remember which) killed two. More people are going to kill two this year than last in my opinion.People are in the woods while gobblers are most vulnerable. Most people would be gone by now . It was around 7 percent I believe that killed 3. Twra presents that information every year at the meeting.
There is no way 70% killed one, according to the powers that be there is between 90-100 thousand turkey hunters
There is no way 70% killed one, according to the powers that be there is between 90-100 thousand turkey hunters
Had nothing to do with how many people turkey hunted , 70 percent that killed a bird killed 1, not all people kill a bird. Those percentages are directly from the June meeting when they changed the limit and season. Very small percentage at all killed 3.
Had nothing to do with how many people turkey hunted , 70 percent that killed a bird killed 1, not all people kill a bird. Those percentages are directly from the June meeting when they changed the limit and season. Very small percentage at all killed 3.
I gotcha ,sorry my brain was not working 😂😂 for the record im part of that small percentage and wish they would have left my tags alone😂😂
I honestly don't know how they would know how many turkey hunt anyway , we do not have a turkey permit but it has nothing to do with over all numbers but the numbers checking a bird in . 70 percent killed 1.
From 2006-2020 the average birds killed a year was around 34,000.

2020: 40,105 birds killed with 90,015 hunters

The limit changed from 4 to 3 after 2020

2021: 32,703 birds killed with 91,247 hunters

2022: 29,940 birds killed with 95,905 hunters

Despite hunter numbers increasing by the thousands, birds killed has decreased by the thousands. I think this is a valid reason to believe that dropping the harvest limit will in fact limit the harvest. We don't get more turkeys by killing them.
how are you getting those hunter #'s... there is no real way the TWRA can know how many hunt Turkeys. The big game tag is good for both deer and turkey. So I would have to guess that those #'s are more a guess than an absolute.