HB 1618

Last doe of the season I killed was full of corn. No idea where it's coming from, but she was completely full.

Bait, don't bait, but sucks when people do it illegally and it affects their neighbors.
All i can do is not worry about what my neighbors do and keep hunting the way i do. I killed 2 does on two different farms both were full of neighbors bait. I appreciate them fattening them up for me😁
No apology needed. You asked for an opinion on HB1618 and several shared reasons they are against it...and a few shared why they are for it...everyone can read through the conversation and determine for themselves what they feel is best for wildlife...everyone has an opinion on the topic.
That's fine and dandy but the words lazy , unethical and many others were throwed in the mix . No need for that ...that's why we have discussions to educate . It educated me but some reasons where not valid except the harmful effects to wildlife.
I'm sorry for bringing it up. I saw the Hb1618 on another site and thought it might be interesting to talk about. But as normal and a reason I left this site for awhile is we can't talk like grown men and I like to hear other opinions on the matter. I am a property owner and what I do on my land should not matter to anyone else. For how I hunt should not matter either. Thank God we are different. I'm 66 and I've hunted all over the US and I'm thankful. Over 50 years of hunting experience and have a degree in Wildlife Management. We don't have to agree but we have a right to our own opinions. SORRY....
No apology necessary but I knew it would go downhill quick and I was right .
I'm certain that the number of acres owned or whats parked in the tractor shed doesnt dictate whats best for wildlife.
To me, feeding bagged corn to deer, isnt whats best for wildlife (my opinion) and whats best for wildlife doesnt change based on ones circumstances.
I agree completely with you. I was just addressing the very weak "level playing field" argument
I agree completely with you. I was just addressing the very weak "level playing field" argument
For your information I was relating to a person being able to kill a deer by baiting . Understand now ? Not competing against a wealthy landowner who's has the means to put in food plots to attract wildlife . Oh that's just for the wildlife...I don't hunt foodplots . Look at the kill thread ..
Wait until your neighbor starts baiting heavily. It can completely change deer travel patterns.you won't see as many deer if you don't bait as heavily as the neighbor. They may stop baiting before turkey season to be legal, but the turkeys remember and are clustered around their feeders even after they are empty. I don't see the sport in shooting a deer with his nose in a corn pile.
My neighbors bait like crazy, and I don't care, as long as I can't see it (if I see it and know it's there, by law I can't even hunt my own property within the given radius). We don't bait. We have all the deer. They don't. perhaps the deer feed on that bait at night, but in daylight, they're back on my place. My neighbors haven't killed anything but does and a few yearling bucks.
How does corn even the playing field? If the big money neighbor has more money, more free time, better equipment, and better land, doesn't it stand to reason they can still out-bait the little man?

Why should the government be concerned with equity among hunters and properties? Equality of opportunity? Sure, everyone gets the same bag limit and season length. But that's where I draw the line.
Agreed. It doesn't level the playing field at all. It will honestly turn the playing field more lopsided.

Not to mentioned this is private land anyways, so how is fair the public land guys can't do it that's not fair. The field is not leveled again. It's not a good argument at all.

The other agreement about the guys with foodplots being some king of rich guy is also quite funny. I'm not wealthy I have foodplots.

We work extremely hard on our places. Run a chainsaw for a couple hours it's a 100 times more beneficial then a bag of corn will ever be.
For your information I was relating to a person being able to kill a deer by baiting . Understand now ? Not competing against a wealthy landowner who's has the means to put in food plots to attract wildlife . Oh that's just for the wildlife...I don't hunt foodplots . Look at the kill thread ..
I believe that a owner puts in a food plot for deer good for him. It's good for deer and other wildlife. A lot of time effort and money goes into a food plot. Maybe next on my list w/ shooting house with heater.😉
My neighbors bait like crazy, and I don't care, as long as I can't see it (if I see it and know it's there, by law I can't even hunt my own property within the given radius). We don't bait. We have all the deer. They don't. perhaps the deer feed on that bait at night, but in daylight, they're back on my place. My neighbors haven't killed anything but does and a few yearling bucks.
Deer activity on my property increased dramatically when baiting was banned in my area of North AL. Overall quality of deer killed improved . I hadn't killed a turkey on my place in 5 years. I could hear them gobbling across the line coincidentally in places where I heard feeders during deer season. Significantly more turkey sign year round now post band. Killed a bird opening day last 2 years. Heard gobbling on the property subsequent days, just let them gobble. I know Other factors were involved. You know much more about deer behavior than me, but you can't convince me the bait ban was not a major contributor.
After a night on the subject I'm sticking to my guns. Yes I want to bait on private property. I look at it this way:
We all are deer hunters. When we leave the house to go hunt we are hoping to kill a deer, right. There are 2 types of hunters Trophy and Meat hunters. I am a meat hunter so with that said ( I'm sure I'll get grief over that ) I want to kill deer. If I just go to the woods to sit and not in Hope's to kill well I might as well go to the zoo. I'm not going to kill everything I see. No I'm very selective on what I take. So on this suject: HUNT YOUR HUNT and it will be Yea or Na on HB1618.
You plant corn, bushhog it. On private. Or leave it standing. All with the intent to attract deer, kill one over it. So, isnt this a form of baiting? All plots being hunted over are. It just makes it where everyone can do it. What's really the difference. Just alot of work, cost, chemicals, expense in planting. Not just crazy about it, but it is just this.
To explain: I prefer does over bucks. Both have to be mature. I only killed one buck last season. A 8 pointer of 5+ years old. The buck was not looking healthy so no brainers. I also took 3 does. My buck doe ratio is way out of whack on the farm. So with that being said looks like does are on the hit list for the up coming season. And no I didn't tag out, I hardly do.
To explain: I prefer does over bucks. Both have to be mature. I only killed one buck last season. A 8 pointer of 5+ years old. The buck was not looking healthy so no brainers. I also took 3 does. My buck doe ratio is way out of whack on the farm. So with that being said looks like does are on the hit list for the up coming season. And no I didn't tag out, I hardly do.
Hate to break it to you but your a trophy hunter...at least what I considered one. The trophy hunters I know are mature buck killers not inches on head. Do they overlap yes. But its about age. Welcome to the club...
After a night on the subject I'm sticking to my guns. Yes I want to bait on private property. I look at it this way:
We all are deer hunters. When we leave the house to go hunt we are hoping to kill a deer, right. There are 2 types of hunters Trophy and Meat hunters. I am a meat hunter so with that said ( I'm sure I'll get grief over that ) I want to kill deer. If I just go to the woods to sit and not in Hope's to kill well I might as well go to the zoo. I'm not going to kill everything I see. No I'm very selective on what I take. So on this suject: HUNT YOUR HUNT and it will be Yea or Na on HB1618.
What if I like to spotlight? Or if I don't believe in bag limits? Or if I trespass? Can I still hunt my hunt?
Hate to break it to you but your a trophy hunter...at least what I considered one. The trophy hunters I know are mature buck killers not inches on head. Do they overlap yes. But its about age. Welcome to the club...
Well if you say so. I like mature deer and after 55 yrs of hunting I think I know a mature deer.😁