HB 1618

If you're still killing 3 bucks you're over the limit. And it's also been proven the majority of hunters weren't tagging 3 bucks.
Not necessarily. My first this year was a doe and I soon received notice that I "Earned a Buck". I earned a buck last year too, not that I have a need for four deer. Point is that I could legally harvest three buck in each of the past two seasons for sure.
Not necessarily. My first this year was a doe and I soon received notice that I "Earned a Buck". I earned a buck last year too, not that I have a need for four deer. Point is that I could legally harvest three buck in each of the past two seasons for sure.
Statewide, you can't. Hopefully the earn a buck nonsense will go away too. I do wish they still had the bonus bucks on certain WMAs tho.
You don't wait on a deer sitting in a tree stand, watching an oak flat, or a pinch point.
Of course you do do..... so why the lazy pitch is the point I was trying to get across . Saying it's wrong or illegal (baiting) could indeed be the correct terminology maybe even the term unethical but I just don't think that term fits . I'd almost be safe to say that most hunters have skirted the laws during their hunting career especially if they only hunt private property or atleast skirted the law of ethics. Big mature bucks can indeed put the mind in overdrive into killing him and may put aside the fact that other factors are present that you wouldn't normally shoot if it was a less desired animal . Illustration could be ...a questionable shot ....other deer behind the desired animal... close to property lines etc . If it wasn't true then how come we've seen true trophy hunters get convicted of crimes even though they make their livelihood out of hunting ? I've seen and know you that watch them have seen professional hunters shoot deer over a corn pile even though they are hunting near a food plot ....it is to get the deer to a more desired " spot" for a kill shot on camera but still over a "corn pile" ! There is enough proof that some corn is deadly to young turkeys so I quit putting corn out about three years ago and only did it then to get an inventory of what deer was using my property. For the record I only did that one year . I now don't even use cameras....I just like that feeling of not knowing what buck might deside to come my way .
Looks like he is in Alabama, hopefully that's where he is talking about. I reckon I have grown up with the thoughts that baiting was a cheap way to draw animals in, I can see it a bunch of different ways especially from small property owners like me, I only own 1.5ac and kill a deer every 3-5 years on it, that's probably because it's rare I hunt it. I was also taught where to shoot deer with a arrow and pretty much use a gun the same way, not sure we all were taught the same or others were taught to use whatever was needed to get the big bucks, I have never killed a big buck and that's ok, I never hit the lottery either but I don't dwell on the what if's or the maybe's, I tried to be a trophy hunter for 5 years, didn't shoot anything waiting on the big 1. Seen a lot of deer just not what all the tv shows and magazines were showing. Got frustrated and decided to shoot what was offered and have been happy ever since. I have never ran trail cams though it has crossed my mind then decided I like Christmas better not knowing what I might get. The loudest voice or the most $ thrown at something normally wins and the arguments always are so and so state allows it and they still have deer so it must be better right?. Trophy hunting has completely changed the sport from what it was when I got my first bow in the mid 70's. I know times change and we have to change with them but that still doesn't make everything new proper or ethical. Baiting is probably as old as the first man that decided he wanted to eat meat lol. Hard to find a cliff to drive the herd over when your hungry these days. Until a better way to fill the TWRA Commision is found besides politically picked there will be a lot of shat thrown at the wall to see what sticks, most of the time it will be for a small segment with the ear of a commissioner and it's not always in the best interest of hunters or the wildlife. most of us only see a very small segment of the whole state and we have let the TWRA biologists to guide us, I feel they have done a great job, there have been a lot of stuff that didn't make sense to some but did somewhere, it's when the politicians start trying to change stuff looking for a way to put $ into their pockets that the hunters and wildlife suffers.
Well said, funny as old as man wanted to eat meat. That's what I am a meat hunter.
If you're still killing 3 bucks you're over the limit. And it's also been proven the majority of hunters weren't tagging 3 bucks.
If you go back and read my original post in this thread, you will see that I stated that I live and hunt Alabama and was referring to Alabama when I made my comment. I left that out of my last comment purposefully to see how many would jump on that statement. And yes, without a doubt, most hunters do kill all three bucks. Some of our WMA's actually allow a "bonus" buck for a fourth deer. You know dang well hunters take advantage of that.
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Where did I call names in this thread?

You're right Snake. I'm sorry.

Please forgive me for calling baiters…

Master Baiters
Pseudo hunters
Feed Trough Pimps

I honestly repent and vow to not use those names again.

…..I'll have to come up with a bunch of new ones….😁
Sorry guys. Y'all can't use that first one. That's the name of the pending tackle company that my son has started (MasterBaiters Tackle and Lure Company) to sell fishing tackle on the side while in college to make some money. 🤣

Seriously, here is the draft of his logo. Excuse the bottom line. That is what the program puts there until you finalize your exact name and this was one of his draft logos. I think he may sell more merchandise than actual lures just due to the name. He has another logo that is better than this one that I'm pretty sure he will go with so I don't mind showing this one since he has already claimed the name.


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That earn a buck is from the cwd units, I have never read up on those but do know they have a larger limit. they don't follow our east Tn rules.
I don't find it that ironic. Those that hunt food plots put in the time and the work to try to improve their odds and they don't like the idea of putting in all that effort for the guy across the fence to just go dump out a pile of corn. Corn is king. Those food plots will become less frequented once the corn piles come out. It makes perfect sense why food plots hunters would be against baiting

This whole thread just goes to show how stupid it all is!!! Why worry one iota what anyone else does on their ground? It doesn't affect how or why i hunt in the least!!! You wanna bait great, i will just kill your deer, you wanna food plot, great, i will just kill your deer, what happens across the fence or across the state bothers me in the least. As the op has stated just hunt yours and i will hunt mine!
How did this topic get all out of proportion.
HB1618 is on the floor for a vote. It will or will not pass. We will live with it either way. Unless your an outlaw you get the chance every season to take X amount of deer. That's the bottom line.
You've been around for a long time. How many bait thread have you seen go good? You knew what was going to happen as soon as you posted it. Not to mention it doesn't even look like it was going to be voted on.
This whole thread just goes to show how stupid it all is!!! Why worry one iota what anyone else does on their ground? It doesn't affect how or why i hunt in the least!!! You wanna bait great, i will just kill your deer, you wanna food plot, great, i will just kill your deer, what happens across the fence or across the state bothers me in the least. As the op has stated just hunt yours and i will hunt mine!
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you are exactly right this time.. dont worry bout what the adjacent landowner does. just quit killing them little 4 pointers just because