Is feeding not already allowed in TN and this bill only allows hunting over the feed? If so, the objections are not for safety of the deer herd but for control of other hunter's techniques. I personally don't want to feed deer and can count on one hand the number of deer I've killed in plots but I don't care if a private property owner wants to do both. This is a private property land issue.
Does anyone think the government in general or TWRA specifically does an amazing job all the time? Between TVA land and WMA's Tennessee has close to 2 million acres for the government to manage.
If they are so amazing and private landowners are so awful at management it won't take long before public land will have all the good deer. Why are they not focusing on the public lands?Are they not short staffed as it is. Why were they (illegally) harassing private landowners until called out by a judge?
Good to see fellow hunters coming around to private property rights.
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