He played hard to get, BUT.....

TN Larry

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Baxter, Tennessee
I was more patient. :)

I headed out this morning before church for the second time this year. I don't get to turkey hunt much because it interferes with spring fishing tournaments but still enjoy it.

I got on a bird that I worked and nearly killed on Friday morning. He knew how to play the game. He was gobbling on top of a small high knob so I had to set up below him in a low gap. He wouldn't answer my calling at all. I could tell that he was slowly getting closer so I went silent even though I hadn't called very much to start with. I went silent, and he couldn't stand it. He started gobbling more and slowly made his way in. My shooting could have been better as I didn't do my part on the first shot, but we'll save that story for another day. :)

20.75 lbs
10.5" beard
1.25" spur but only had one.

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