Head shots..

In the Carlos Hathcock interviews he said he didn't take head shots , I doubt anybody here could tote his rifle for him
At least not the Ma Deuce.
Wasn't there a myth busters about that? Was thinking they never got a round all the way through.
Actually was just reading about that. Yes, two actually. First apparently was with modern scopes (which have multiple internal lenses) and they couldn't get the bullet to go all the way through. Later they did another test using a Vietnam era scope, and they were able to do it.
If you ever make a bad head shot and have any heart you won't don't again. I got the shirt and I won't take one again . Blew the bottom jaw off a doe once because she moved just as I shot @ 10 feet . 😭
100%. I have gotten pretty good at long range shooting, and my rifle can do the job.

But I once did the same thing at 100 yards. I tracked that poor thing for miles. Finally caught up with her long enough to see what I did to her.

I didn't hunt for weeks after and I'll never try it again.
IDK a lot depends on circumstance these days. Distance, obstruction, what type of rest of I have, what rifle I have with me etc. I did a lot when I was younger mostly because I am color deficient so I had a terrible time trying to tract them. If I aimed for the head and it ran off then I missed, if it didnt run off it was laying right where it stood.

havent done it in the past few years but Id consider it. Im a much better shot NOW then I was years ago.
Might on a certain situation have with a pig with a muzzleloader at 10yds between the eyes she lived 4 more hrs
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Not entirely true - he also claims to have shot a VC sniper through their scope. I'd say that certainly counts as a headshot.
I went back and watched it again as I was going on memory, he did put in a disclaimer, he was talking about shooting a VC General at 700 yards. He said he didn't take head shots, at least at 700 yards. Lol
35-40y only could see neck and head, about took the head off


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You know that white throat patch makes a great target when those does are looking at you after they hear the safety click to the firing position. But by then it's too late for them to move!
I've shot a lot of does in the neck, from 20 to 100 yards through the years. I've only shot 2 in head on accident. Both were looking at me and I aimed for the throat patch. One almost blew the head completely off shooting a ballistic tip .308 at 50 yards.
A buddy of mine put a deer down years ago that was starving to death because his bottom jaw had been shot off. The deer was literally skin and bones. Anyone that takes headshots on deer should be banned from hunting for life and shunned by decent people everywhere. There is absolutely no reason to do something so utterly stupid and unethical. Ruining meat? Please.
Strong opinion. Let's do the same for bow hunting since often times the deer run 100 yards or more and do not die quickly.
I use to only head shoot squirrels, have gotten older and will shoot head/neck and ribs as a last resort lol hate to think how many squirrels I got in my 30-40's, started declining in my 50's not as mad at them now, seen 2 fox squirrels the other day and wondered about them fried with some biscuits and gravy,
Strong opinion. Let's do the same for bow hunting since often times the deer run 100 yards or more and do not die quickly.
I tend to have strong opinions when asked about utter stupidity. Comparing a deer shot with a bow running 100 yards and not dying quickly to a deer starving to death over days because his jaw was shot off by a moron is more utter stupidity.
At a very young age, me and my dad were hunting and on the other side of the property the other guy was too. He shot a yearling doe ( aiming at the head ) and took her bottom jaw completely off and I had to watch that deer suffer and watch my dad go over there and put her down. Till this day it still effects me and I would never try to do a head shot on a deer no matter how accurate my rifles are. If I don't have a shot opportunity where I know I can't kill that animal quickly with no chances of suffering I won't take it because of what I've seen. Double lungs, heart shots and neck shots or right in the shoulders will kill em every time
Had a uncle that only done neck shots and he talked my dad in to trying it. So one comes out in front of him about 100yrds and shoots it in the neck deer goes down instantly. So he is sitting there thinking about how much meat he saved on this deer he gets down goes get the truck to load his deer and no deer. He found a light blood trail and call or hunting group because we knew were the deer was heading had them set up in a holler while we tracked pushed the deer to them 3 shots later it was dead. What we found the deer had no write patch left blowed everything out but all the major arties were missed. Was the last neck shots he took so how is a neck shots anybetter than a head shots still a smaller target either way with high chance of a wonded deer. Took several deer with the back of the neck blowed out
This is why you dont shoot at heads!

I can't get the video to show up for some reason. It's a trail cam video of a buck missing his entire lower jaw.
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