Jcalder said:
Setterman said:
Jcalder said:
fredfred said:
I shot a bearded hen last weekend. Its the only hen I have ever killed. It was kind of a novelty to me. I don't feel bad about it. I might shoot another one if I feel like it or maybe not. Hate on me and I'll shoot em all LoL just out of spite.
I feel the same way lol. Wish half my hens would go somewhere else. Have way too many
It's not possible to have too many hens, and saying that only shows a lack of understanding in turkeys and honestly turkey hunting.
Granted there are folks who generally don't like turkeys and prefer deer. They believe turkeys affect deer adversely so they want the turkeys gone.
Honestly, I can't believe what I just read, it truly blows my mind that mindset. I guess some of remember the days when seeing a turkey was a great day, and killing one truly epic. We weren't fortunate to start hunting after TWRA and others had worked for decades to restore the populations after people with the above mentality wiped out the native turkey flocks.
The new era of hunter, sheesh....
I guess I never learned the old fashioned way. Never had a mentor. I'm not so silly to think that turkeys are hurting my deer hunting. I'd rather eat a turkey 10 to 1. 70-100 turkeys on 150 acres is way too many. I bumped them several times in the fall and the woods just explode with them. Watched 3 hens raise 26 poults last summer and I'm sure I'll see a ton more this year. Every ridge where I hunt is full of sign.
I may not be an elitist like yourself but if it's legal who cares. If killing a legal bird, deer, coon, mountain lion or panther gets your rocks off I'm happy for you. But your I'm greater than thou attitude because you don't like blinds decoys calls or camo is ridiculous. You've done nothing but bash people for legal tactics.
What exactly makes you qualified to determine how many turkeys are too many?
You can get into the name calling if you like and call me an elitist or whatever makes you feel better.
We didn't have mentors, we went to the store bought calls as teenagers and went to the woods. You know what, we got our butts kicked a ton, but slowly we started to figure it out and consistently kill birds. We learned from our mistakes, we learned to kill henned up birds, we learned to kill field birds, basically we learned to turkey hunt. Sure at times it was frustrating and there were seasons were we didn't kill much, and there were times we were ready to throw in the towel. But the way we were raised, we did things the hard way and you earned your success it wasn't given to you on a silver platter.
None of this makes me better than anyone, and it doesn't make others bad hunters etc etc., it's just a completely different outlook on things. And it's not limited to hunting, in fact it's even worse in other areas of our lives.
From your posts and the way you speak your mentality is completely different from what I can gather. Sure you want to learn but you are more concerned with instant success rather than really understanding this stuff. It really bothers you that there are folks like me who fully believe in the approach of a call, shotgun, and tree is the way turkeys are meant to be hunted. You point and call names when we express we don't like new additions to the turkey hunting market like blinds, decoys, etc etc. Remember some of us began when decoys were illegal and learned to hunt without them.
Please go on and continue to accuse me of bashing, elitism, etc etc it makes zero difference to me.