Not sure about the soil, it is in henry county. Will be doing a soil sample before long to get ready for a spring planting.
ChadWheeler said:I'd use Leyland Cypress trees or White Pines.
eightpoint said:Only problem with leyland cypress is that the road riders will cut them as Christmas trees if they can see them.
Tractor John said:If possible, I would just let the field grow up so it's hard to see into it from the road. From our experience, if you attract the deer to a plot close to the road, you are just asking for problems. The road hunters will still be able to see and shoot deer going to or leaving the field. Spend you time and money on plots in the center of your lease. Just my 2 cents.
eightpoint said:TAS, I have some neighbors that set out over 100 leyland cypress trees along their paved road frontage about 4 years ago. They have lost 10-15 per year to folks cutting them for Christmas trees. I noticed 2 new ones cut yesterday that got whacked overnight. Down here in GA folks will definitely cut em!
greenblazer said:a QDM tv program suggested fountain grass. I have it in my front yard to hide one of those ugly green utility boxes and it grows fast and big, if you don't cut it.