How about this?????????

I saw a guy shoot a turkey one day in a small field that dropped off a bit past where the bird was at.
Went to get the bird and saw "something" on the far edge of the field that looked like a stump. It was raining HARD that day so we couldn't tell for sure.
I walked over there and sure enough there was another bird laying there dead as a doornail.
There was a group of jakes with the longbeard and they had moved on off while the strutter did his thing.
We looked and we never found but one lone pellet hole in the turkey's neck.
I stepped it off and it was 92 steps from that second dead bird to where he was sitting when he made the shot. :shock:
So yeah, I can see it killing one that far away but.................

Oh and he called and self reported to the TWRA.