How do they make a decision

Sadly, no they can't. I hate to say it, but having worked with hunters involving management issues for going on 30 years, they are usually oblivious to the actual deer density and relationship of that density to the habitat's ability to support it.
Well... don't you think they could be involved some ?
They could. On the surface it seems like a great idea. But to get it would you be willing to accept a significant increase in license fees? Would you be willing to expand the bureaucratic governance of the TWRA? To address the survey results and restructure the hunt units down to county level, monitoring and adjusting regulations for individual counties, will require a significant workload that requires more manpower and human resource management. That money comes from somewhere.
Dang .. I was hoping to offer what they seen during hunting season and off season , on their trail cams and such . Wasn't wanting their job brother !
To me public land dont need thinned out make it were only on private land is 3 a day and leave the public land out of it. As for the money side of it hunters with out sportmans license have to buy a type 94 permit so the county's that's on the cut off line will buy more permits to hunt the neighboring county to kill there meat for the freezers
I could take 3/day on our 30 acre hobby farm/orchard for all 3 seasons, and not make a dent in our herd. Most of our does the last 3 years have dropped twins. Hundreds of overgrown pecan, hickory and oak trees, quite a few native persimmon/plum, old apple/pear/peach trees. Surrounding farms are all industrial monocrops: cotton, soybeans, fuel corn, wheat, and the deer that should be there, are here. Piddly little deer no bigger than west coast blacktails. My German Sheperd weighs more than most Tipton/Shelby does…
Dang .. I was hoping to offer what they seen during hunting season and off season , on their trail cams and such . Wasn't wanting their job brother !

Lol I kinda figured as much, but do you really think they're interested in knowing what's on your trail camera? It's a government bureaucracy. If you want them to do anything they're not already doing, it means expansion.
Considering most deer hunting in TN is done on private land where hunters know and somewhat control harvest numbers, I see no problem with the liberal limits. Hunters are NOT killing a lot of does and they haven't been for a long time.

However, I can definitely see having different regulations on public land where hunters are not as invested in the local population nor know it as well as private land hunters know their land. Basically, many hunters on public land are simply exploiting what is there, not looking at it as a resource to be managed/conserved.
Even if regulations were taken down to the county level, that would not be detailed enough to manage wisely. I've seen nearly neighboring properties that have vastly different deer population densities and structure. As an easy example, the Cathole Lease that several TNdeer users are members of is only 1.4 miles from my property, yet their deer herd is considerably different than mine, even though we might actually share a buck or two.

The truth is, the state CANNOT micro-manage the deer herds to the level necessary to make everyone happy, or even make accurate harvest recommendations.
Even if regulations were taken down to the county level, that would not be detailed enough to manage wisely. I've seen nearly neighboring properties that have vastly different deer population densities and structure. As an easy example, the Cathole Lease that several TNdeer users are members of is only 1.4 miles from my property, yet their deer herd is considerably different than mine, even though we might actually share a buck or two.

The truth is, the state CANNOT micro-manage the deer herds to the level necessary to make everyone happy, or even make accurate harvest recommendations.
I really wasn't intended for them to micro manage but if you poll 10% of the hunters say in Morgan County and they all was telling you basically the same thing then it should be somewhat correct . I could understand if you was getting different data from hunters in the same county , so then have limits as you must. I was just seeing @cecil30-30 's response and he's most likely correct . Liberal doe limits in Scott Co is unneeded .