How do they make a decision

You know I've bashed some of the things TWRA officers have done and I think it was justifiable in doing so but over all I think they've done a good job . Gotta give flowers while they are alive. But one thing really bothers is these depredation permits . Eliminating them I understand is needed for the farmer but wasting them seems sacrilegious to me being a hunter. Waste not want not was was what I was always told and I know the homeless and other people feeding the less fortunate these deer could be very beneficial IMHO.
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ive said it for years and I'll say it again! TWRA is out for the money, someone or some company is paying the TWRA for the liberal limits and depredation permits! there is no way on gods green earth the TWRA is trying the "kill em all" approach on game that provides them with a job, unless something or someone is pushing the "kill em all" agenda through the back door into the green jeans bank accounts!! change my mind, please! cause right now I say F K THE TWRA!
The liberal harvest limits are meant to reduce the deer per mile and help slow the spread of CWD, that's about the only way to slow the spread that they have to work with, if they didn't do anything it's hard to say how fast it would spread and at this time 100% of the deer that get it die, folks praying and saying nature will cure it have more faith than I do lol.
From the meetings that I watched ,the biologist would keep bringing up to the commission and used unit CWD as an example that regardless of what they set the limit to or any incentives they had the average deer per person stay right around 2 I believe is what the number was and that was through out the state. It goes back to most people aren't really going to take more than what they can use, sure you have some people that try to limit out every year but most people do not.
Maybe. Here where I live 3 a day they will kill.
They'll shoot every deer they can get sights on. This area can't handle that.
Thats just it, What are you gonna do about "they", all we can control is ourselves and not worry about the rest of it. Since we cant vote or a have virtually any voice whatsoever in twra decisions , the best thing we can do is worry about governing ourselves and forget the rest. Im not trying to single you out recurve, please dont take it that way, just explaining the only way ive come back to my sanity in deer hunting.
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All I know is that in Morgan county the hunting has slowly gotten worse and deer numbers have declined drastically. Just look at the harvest numbers from the early 2000's to now. And that's with increased opportunities. And now TWRA is upping the bag limit again. If the hunting gets much worse I will just sell our land and buy land in KY or Ohio.
You know I've bashed some of the things TWRA officers have done and I think it was justifiable in doing so but over all I think they've done a good job . Gotta give flowers while they are alive. But one thing really bothers is these depredation permits . Eliminating them I understand is needed for the farmer but wasting them seems sacrilegious to me being a hunter. Waste not want not was was what I was always told and I know the homeless and other people feeding the less fortunate these deer could be very beneficial IMHO.
last year one of the processors i used was expecting a bunch from the depredation tags and he was going to process them...not sure if that would be feasible but hunters for the hungry would be a great way to use the meat....
Exactly. Can't trump the freezer carrying capacity
You don't need a freezer to kill a bunch . Just a stake to keep the deer from moving. That's what all the night coyote hunters are doing around here, shoot them and drag them to the bait location and stake it down.
Thats what I would expect any green jeans to say, so why would you comment "laughable" instead of trying to explain how I'm wrong and change my mind? maybe your comment is the exact kind of stuff that makes me feel the way I do!
You have been spouting the same line of crap for many years without anything to back it up. After close to 40 years of being around the decisions and the decision makers I can say for a FACT than companies and money have never come into any discussion. So, I know you are full of shyt.

Life is too short to deal with idiots, so you can join the file.
You have been spouting the same line of crap for many years without anything to back it up. After close to 40 years of being around the decisions and the decision makers I can say for a FACT than companies and money have never come into any discussion. So, I know you are full of shyt.

Life is too short to deal with idiots, so you can join the file.
exactly what I expected!!! you my friend, are no different from any other green jean I've bumped into! which is why I say the things I say and feel the way I do!
The problem is those regs go for public land also. Which most of the public is same as statewide regs. That is where what I do as a hunter has almost zero effect on the slaughter that will take place. I've been hunting the same public places for many years in now unit 6. I can tell you it will have an ill effect on the doe's that are on these lands. Hunting is already tough over this way. And even more doe's killed will not have a positive outcome. It will only get even tougher. An extra 2 doe's a year per hunter. What will happen is they will ruin any future hunters. Taking a kid to these places now is hard enough. Lessen the herd even more and the TWRA might as well shoot itself in the foot. And kiss the deer population goodbye.

I completely understand feeling uncertainty, but still feel that we hunters, not the TWRA, are ultimately responsible for how, when, and how many deer we harvest. I do believe the communication & cooperation between hunters of a specific area and the TWRA leaves a lot to be desired. I'm all for much more locally focused management efforts, but we just don't have that. I'm not really even sure how we could get to that point without hunters collectively en masse pressuring the TWRA to restructure how it operates. Not all hunters have issues in their area. For instance, I don't have any issue with the regulations for my area. They're actually pretty fitting, so I for one wouldn't necessarily feel the urgency you feel to apply pressure on TWRA for changes. I understand my situation here is completely different than your situation in your area. It's a big state with a lot of diversity in herd dynamics. I sure wouldn't want the job of figuring it all out.
I completely understand feeling uncertainty, but still feel that we hunters, not the TWRA, are ultimately responsible for how, when, and how many deer we harvest. I do believe the communication & cooperation between hunters of a specific area and the TWRA leaves a lot to be desired. I'm all for much more locally focused management efforts, but we just don't have that. I'm not really even sure how we could get to that point without hunters collectively en masse pressuring the TWRA to restructure how it operates. Not all hunters have issues in their area. For instance, I don't have any issue with the regulations for my area. They're actually pretty fitting, so I for one wouldn't necessarily feel the urgency you feel to apply pressure on TWRA for changes. I understand my situation here is completely different than your situation in your area. It's a big state with a lot of diversity in herd dynamics. I sure wouldn't want the job of figuring it all out.
The TWRA could do surveys for each county and listen to those in the field hunting and vote accordingly. They may have done this in the past I don't know but I'm not listening to a car salesmanship when my vehicle is having problens I'm going to listen to a mechanic. Hunters for each county could tell you if their herds needed thinned out or not. I was fortunate to land a spot on property in Morgan Co. one year , not too far from home and had mature timber . From what I've seen eliminating does from that area would be a big mistake . Where as areas in the southern middle part of the state definitely could use some thinning .
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I know the guys that just like to kill stuff are really happy about bordering one of these counties now. We just don't have the deer to spare, steady decline for years here. But I guess the goal is bears and hogs everywhere but few deer. Maybe more people will wake up but it'll be too late for a lot of areas.
The TWRA could do surveys for each county and listen to those in the field hunting and vote accordingly.

They could. On the surface it seems like a great idea. But to get it would you be willing to accept a significant increase in license fees? Would you be willing to expand the bureaucratic governance of the TWRA? To address the survey results and restructure the hunt units down to county level, monitoring and adjusting regulations for individual counties, will require a significant workload that requires more manpower and human resource management. That money comes from somewhere.
They should pole every lifetime license holder and every sportsman permit holder. Most of is has our email listed, sounds simple to do. Raise the rates as needed
Hunters for each county could tell you if their herds needed thinned out or not.
Sadly, no they can't. I hate to say it, but having worked with hunters involving management issues for going on 30 years, they are usually oblivious to the actual deer density and relationship of that density to the habitat's ability to support it.