How many are still after them?

I won't get to go much before it closes, but I'd like to fill my second buck tag. I concentrated mainly on getting my son on deer most of the season. He's tagged out, so I'm giving it a go. I have my KY muzzleloader buck and a muzzleloader buck in TN already. I've passed on several young bucks. It'll have to be a pretty good deer for me to pull the trigger, but it sure is nice being out there.
Now that i have killed my buck limit I am on doe patrol. I have been seeing multiple does and bucks on each hunt.

I have killed 6 so far. One was my longest shot 378 yards with my custom 6.5 X 284 with hand loads. From a prone position.
We still got six doe tags and two buck tags in my house, gonna hit em hard the next two weeks, need lots of burger for some folks having a rough time this year
Blessed to be able to hunt private this weekend then back to public for the rest of the season. Still have 2 buck tags and would like to harvest a couple of does. We'll see. Life gets busy. I'm definitely not looking for a giant. Just meat to can. Hope everyone has a successful last few days!!
Hunted second muzzleloader weekend and rifle opener when I killed a buck. Too many irons in the fire and weather kept me from it last weekend. I had to run out this afternoon around 2:00 and saw deer everywhere so they were moving. Unfortunately my lease is 2 hours away so can't just go climb a stand at a moments notice. Have Christmas things this weekend but hope to hunt several days after Christmas.
Saw a tall 8 push some yearling does today... Same young tall 8 I have seen about every sit this season.. Been a very slow season. Let plenty of bucks walk last year but don't know what happened to them. Doe ratio is stupid like 10:1. Need to start hammering em.
Rut should be wide open this weekend in my neck of the woods in south MS. I'm about to get serious with em starting Fri morning. Will miss a few days due to Christmas gatherings but plan to hunt as much as I can stand to!

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