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How many of you guys have actually......


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
A picture and a comment in the Cam section got me thinking. Let's say you have a 2.5 year old 12 walk within range. Do you shoot or let him walk because he isn't old enough? How many of you guys have actually let a monster walk because he was to young? I know a few guys on here have but I don't think everybody preaching age has been put in this situation so do you really know what you would do?

Not trying to stir the pot or beat a dead horse just curious.
I'd have no trouble passing a 2 1/2-yr-old just because he had 12 points --- in fact, I'd be more inclined to want to see him survive at least a couple more years.

Many hunters have no problem voluntarily passing up 2 1/2-yr-old bucks no matter how many points they have. The more common scenario that challenges many hunters "stated standards" is when they have an opportunity on a truly top-end 2 1/2-yr-old that scores in the 110 to 130-class range. These particular bucks can appear much larger antlered in part because a young buck hasn't finished growing his skeletal frame, making his antlers appear much larger.

I don't really care how many points they have, other than I'd rather have a mature, massive 8-pointer over a young 12-pointer even if that 12-pointer "outscores" the eight.

RackRocker said:
Let's say you have a 2.5 year old 12 walk within range. Do you shoot or let him walk because he isn't old enough?
First off, can't say I've ever even seen a 2.5 yr-old 12 pointer (at least not a mainframe). It would be so rare I'd be even more inclined to want to "protect" him. Generally speaking, I let all 2 1/2's walk, although I have made mistakes in thinking a 2 1/2 was 3 1/2. If I really believed he was only 2 1/2, he would walk.

RackRocker said:
How many of you guys have actually let a monster walk because he was to young?
Again, 12 points does not a monster make, and doubt there is a 2 1/2-yr-old anywhere in TN that would be considered a true monster by most experienced deer hunters.

But the definition of a "monster" buck varies greatly from person to person. Just looking for mature bucks myself, and very few of them are monsters. But if you let a 2 1/2-yr-old 12 pointer live to be 4 1/2 or older, good chance he will become a true "monster". :)

I've let many TN bucks walk of all ages in the 110 to 130 range, including some fully mature bucks. But normally, no matter what the antlers, I'm likely to pull the trigger on any buck I'm CONFIDENT is 4 1/2 or older; and unlikely to pull the trigger on any buck I think is 3 1/2 or younger. Last year I let two mainframe 10-pointers walk that I believed to be 3 1/2 yrs old. Doubt either one of them will ever become a "monster", but since they were 110 to 120-class last year, they could easily become 130 to 140-class mature bucks.

Regarding that 12-point mainframe in the "Trail Cam" forum, you can be assured he is not a 2 1/2-yr-old. Very difficult to age bucks in the summer, but I'd "guess" that one is 4 1/2 or older, and no way he's any younger than 3 1/2.
On my places that i know I'll have control of in the future I generally pass 120's and 130ish bucks "if I think he's a 3.5 year old or younger " If I think the deer is 4.5 years old or 140's + I would drop him. Now if its late in the season and i havent got one nothings safe! Just the way I prefer to hunt...

That buck in the trail cam forum is at least 4.5 if not older and nobody would pass him!
if you get a chance to kill a 140+buck in tenn. you better pull the trigger no matter what his age is, most people have never seen a buck that big on private or public land,if you dont kill him your neighber will !!!!!!!!
to be honest,i have not let one walk in this situation.but,i quit hunting my property last year towards the end of season because i didnt feel i could let a 11pt walk that needed another year.i look forward to seeing him this year.he showed up in the last 10 days of season on trail cams,and i really felt he was 2.5
Anything I feel is big enough to hang on the wall Im going to shoot. I'm the most important person ever so Ill do what I want!!!

Haha! Im kidding about the last sentance. The reason I would shoot him is because my biggest is a 90" 8 point. I can't imagine anyone in my situation letting that deer walk.
to be honest,i have not let one walk in this situation.but,i quit hunting my property last year towards the end of season because i didnt feel i could let a 11pt walk that needed another year.i look forward to seeing him this year.he showed up in the last 10 days of season on trail cams,and i really felt he was 2.5

That post is worthless without a link to pics!!! :)
I will be the first to admit that I shoot based on antler size. I don't have time to guess at how old a buck is before I pull the trigger. If I ever pass on a 12 pointer, it won't be because of his age.
Wes Parrish said:
I'd have no trouble passing a 2 1/2-yr-old just because he had 12 points --- in fact, I'd be more inclined to want to see him survive at least a couple more years.

Many hunters have no problem voluntarily passing up 2 1/2-yr-old bucks no matter how many points they have. The more common scenario that challenges many hunters "stated standards" is when they have an opportunity on a truly top-end 2 1/2-yr-old that scores in the 110 to 130-class range. These particular bucks can appear much larger antlered in part because a young buck hasn't finished growing his skeletal frame, making his antlers appear much larger.

I don't really care how many points they have, other than I'd rather have a mature, massive 8-pointer over a young 12-pointer even if that 12-pointer "outscores" the eight.

RackRocker said:
Let's say you have a 2.5 year old 12 walk within range. Do you shoot or let him walk because he isn't old enough?
First off, can't say I've ever even seen a 2.5 yr-old 12 pointer (at least not a mainframe). It would be so rare I'd be even more inclined to want to "protect" him. Generally speaking, I let all 2 1/2's walk, although I have made mistakes in thinking a 2 1/2 was 3 1/2. If I really believed he was only 2 1/2, he would walk.

RackRocker said:
How many of you guys have actually let a monster walk because he was to young?
Again, 12 points does not a monster make, and doubt there is a 2 1/2-yr-old anywhere in TN that would be considered a true monster by most experienced deer hunters.

But the definition of a "monster" buck varies greatly from person to person. Just looking for mature bucks myself, and very few of them are monsters. But if you let a 2 1/2-yr-old 12 pointer live to be 4 1/2 or older, good chance he will become a true "monster". :)

I've let many TN bucks walk of all ages in the 110 to 130 range, including some fully mature bucks. But normally, no matter what the antlers, I'm likely to pull the trigger on any buck I'm CONFIDENT is 4 1/2 or older; and unlikely to pull the trigger on any buck I think is 3 1/2 or younger. Last year I let two mainframe 10-pointers walk that I believed to be 3 1/2 yrs old. Doubt either one of them will ever become a "monster", but since they were 110 to 120-class last year, they could easily become 130 to 140-class mature bucks.

Regarding that 12-point mainframe in the "Trail Cam" forum, you can be assured he is not a 2 1/2-yr-old. Very difficult to age bucks in the summer, but I'd "guess" that one is 4 1/2 or older, and no way he's any younger than 3 1/2.

RackRocker said:
A picture and a comment in the Cam section got me thinking. Let's say you have a 2.5 year old 12 walk within range. Do you shoot or let him walk because he isn't old enough? How many of you guys have actually let a monster walk because he was to young? I know a few guys on here have but I don't think everybody preaching age has been put in this situation so do you really know what you would do?

Not trying to stir the pot or beat a dead horse just curious.

Here is the "rub". Before anyone can answer this question, let's back up and throw in a few specifics.
Would I let this buck walk if I were hunting privately owned property where all hunters were on the same page when it comes to buck age structure and we were trying to let them grow to at least 4.5? ABSOLUTELY.

If I were hunting a Wildlife Management Area in Tennessee or any other public land for that matter that I had ZERO control over and had limited opportunity to hunt it. I would NOT let this deer walk without taking a shot.

So I will say this.
I do not know of a single PUBLIC LAND hunter who, WHILE BOWHUNTING in TENNESSEE, would pass on ANY 2.5 year old buck that would meet or exceed the 125 inch mark.

And MOST hunters I know, would not care if the buck was 2.5
OR 1.5, if the buck met P/Y standards.

In fact, ON PUBLIC LAND, while bowhunting in Tn., in ALL Counties that are NOT "Alpha soil" Counties, I personally think anyone would be CRAZY to pass on ANY buck that breaks the 115" mark.

I wonder how many of these same "trophy" hunters who say they would pass, would also pass on a 3.5 year old buck sporting HUGE antlers.
Milo Hanson did not pass.
RackRocker said:
A picture and a comment in the Cam section got me thinking. Let's say you have a 2.5 year old 12 walk within range. Do you shoot or let him walk because he isn't old enough? How many of you guys have actually let a monster walk because he was to young? I know a few guys on here have but I don't think everybody preaching age has been put in this situation so do you really know what you would do?

Not trying to stir the pot or beat a dead horse just curious.

In my area, "monster" 2 1/2s don't exist. About the top-end 2 1/2 you can expect to have to pass is around 115-120. And yes, I've passed that type of 2 1/2. But then my standards are only 3 1/2+. I'll shoot any 3 1/2 year-old buck regardless of his antlers. It's his age that makes him a challenge, not his antler size.
Anything as wide as it's ears and has eight points is a trophy as far as I'm concernd. But like 102 said, I hunt mostly Cherokee WMA, And just seeing 2 or 3 deer in a day is a good day! Now when I hunt in Ohio I become a lot more pickey. But, I still use the same parameters.
I pass on 2.5 yr old 6-10 points every year, on our property we have some three yr olds that look like big 2yr olds I'll pass on them then some rack wise are as big as 4&5 yr olds I shoot. I'll rarely pass on a 4+ yr old but I did for the first time last season when I saw a buck that was broke to pieces. He had only 3 points and had 10 earlier in the year...
Less than 1/10 of 1% of all deer hunters are concerned with the age of a deer. They just use that to equate with large antlers. If any hunter with normal mentality saw a 180" buck they knew was only 2.5, they would certainly shoot it. If they would not, they need serious treatment at a qualified mental health facility.
bowriter said:
If any hunter with normal mentality saw a 180" buck they knew was only 2.5, they would certainly shoot it. If they would not, they need serious treatment at a qualified mental health facility.

Heck, if I saw a 140+ buck I thought was 2 1/2, I would have a hard time passing it up. 150+, it's dead. But those just aren't realities in my area. 125 absolute tops for a 2 1/2 in my area, and the average is 80-85.

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