How many shells does your gun hold and?

4 in the mag, I never refill the the mag after chambering one. So 4 in the gun while hunting. This allows me to just keep the mag loaded all the time. I have my HCP so as long as I clear the chamber after the hunt, I am good to go in the truck. This way I never get to my spot without shells.

I do keep 4 more in my vest just incase.
Ha, true story. Long story short. After waking up at 0530 and meeting my friend after only getting 2 hrs sleep, we are walking to the woods discussing how we are gonna set up on some birds. We split up and I went to some roosted birds and set up not 50 yds from the tree. Daylight rolls around and I manage to call one off the limb. He moseys staight in to me and I attempted to lower the boom on him when I realized that for some reason my gun wouldnt fire. All I got was "click", "rack rack", "click". Ya true story. I was there. :laugh:

PS As soon as I get out of the truck I put every one I can cram in it from that morning on.
As many as I can get in it. A friend who is a Marine told me one day there are two things to never run out of BEER and BULLETS.
TeamMainStreet said:
Ha, true story. Long story short. After waking up at 0530 and meeting my friend after only getting 2 hrs sleep, we are walking to the woods discussing how we are gonna set up on some birds. We split up and I went to some roosted birds and set up not 50 yds from the tree. Daylight rolls around and I manage to call one off the limb. He moseys staight in to me and I attempted to lower the boom on him when I realized that for some reason my gun wouldnt fire. All I got was "click", "rack rack", "click". Ya true story. I was there. :laugh:

PS As soon as I get out of the truck I put every one I can cram in it from that morning on.

very true...seems like a dumb thing to remember to do but it happens. i took a kid out last year and i even asked him 2x if he loaded his gun and he said YES....called in a bird to 13yds and told him to shoot...CLICK...sure enough he forgot to load the thing. Turned out good for me as i didnt forget so i just shot him instead lol

i have on more then 1 occasion forgot to load my gun and went into the woods. so far it has not gotten me but i am sure one day it will. Happened to me a few times during deer season.
I did forget to chamber a shell once. Called a bird in and he was about 15 yards. Squeezed the trigger and nothing. I was able to pump one into the chamber, ever so carefully and that was all she wrote.

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