how would you cross a water obstacle

I thrive on hard to reach public.

It doesn't always produce a nice public land buck like the one in that inflatable but it definitely increases your odds!

One of my favorite sayings is "I can't promise I'm gonna kill a deer, but I can promise some adventure!" And sometimes the adventure to break me outta my dull routine and make me feel alive is what I need the most!

Good luck this season.
I deal with same situation where I hunt in Illinois, it is a little bit time consuming and aggravating but I pack in waders, when I get to the river crossing I have a folding camping chair stashed where I set down to take boots off and put waders on. I put my waders on and cross river it has muddy banks too so I have a rope tied off to trees on on the bank to decend and accend the muddy slippery river banks. Depending on the temperature I may take the waiders off on other side and put boots back on or if colder just wear the waiders to the stand and hunt in them, I used to use neoprene waiders they sucked I have some breathable Banded brand now they are way better but expensive but it's worth it being able to access that part of the farm I hunt.

Were you wearing waders the time you went swimming in Illinois? I can't remember 😁
Chest waders are the way to go but they are indeed hot if you're walking on dry land.

Might try a cheap pair of hip waders that you can leave in a cache next to where you cross. Wear them only to cross back & forth but otherwise leave them there so you're not packing them in & out every time.

Sometimes you've got be creative in problem solving. It can make the difference in getting the buck or not. I once bought chest waders so I could go after one particular buck. I'd walk inside the stream almost 1/2mi to get to my tree that was on the edge of a straight up cut bank. I had a rope with knots to pull myself up the bank edge and then climb right on straight up into the tree. Taking the creek was the only way to get close to where he was bedding without being detected, and it worked.
This ^^^
Chest waders are the way to go but they are indeed hot if you're walking on dry land.

Might try a cheap pair of hip waders that you can leave in a cache next to where you cross. Wear them only to cross back & forth but otherwise leave them there so you're not packing them in & out every time.

Sometimes you've got be creative in problem solving. It can make the difference in getting the buck or not. I once bought chest waders so I could go after one particular buck. I'd walk inside the stream almost 1/2mi to get to my tree that was on the edge of a straight up cut bank. I had a rope with knots to pull myself up the bank edge and then climb right on straight up into the tree. Taking the creek was the only way to get close to where he was bedding without being detected, and it worked.
This is dedication !!
Shouldn't be hard to find a great deal on a kayak right now. Spray paint it camo, build a hide with brush that you can grab the end of the boat and slide it out and back in without having to move the brush everytime keeping it concealed and the landscape unchanged.
I know absolutely nothing about wading, but my eyes have been open after reading this thread. Wow. Never thought about the potential danger of waders filling with water or the need for a wader belt. Also, you have to keep in mind, it doesn't have to be freezing to deal with hypothermia. I think I'd opt for an inflatable raft, tie a rope on both sides of the bank, hide the inflatable - and hope no one steals it. I'd want to do the work up front and not have to deal with hardest work the morning I was going in to hunt. I'd also want to stay dry and not put myself in any unnecessary danger.