More reason to recruit pro hunters. If we have to share the woods with bird watchers and mountain bikers, we need to be on the same team.There is no good answer to this. The reason why you never hear of TWRA buying more land near an urban base, where it would do the most good, is because land values have gone up too much for them to justify buying it. They can buy a substantially more amount of old strip mine land in BFE for the same total price. Not only does it cost more near population bases, but they'd have to find a willing Seller who owns a large enough tract, to even create a new WMA. These large tracts of land are in short supply.
And, not to pile on with the negativity, but a good portion of the existing WMA's near population bases aren't even owned by TWRA. Not only are we going to have to just get used to more hunters crowding public lands, but there's going to be an influx of "other users" (hikers, bikers, etc.) in the coming years. I'll keep complaining about it, but it won't keep me from being out there. Last year, I learned to adapt to the pressure during turkey season. I'm sure I will for the other species also.
Utopia would be; pulling up to a trail head and a bird watcher tells you. "I heard a turkey gobble on that back ridge".