Hunting items that you sorta can’t believe you purchased??

We used red fox pee back in the late 80's and early 90's. There is no way fox pee smells that bad!!! I went to stepping in cow piles and even deer crap to mask scent on my boots and rubbed cedar limbs on my clothes. I think cedar is a great cover scent. I started using the green liquid soap in the early to mid 90's and still do.
I used skunk scent,,, before I got in the vehicle,,,, on my boots and clothes....
i still have some synthetic skunk scent from probably 1984. You mix it to with a dropper to get the smell. When I was young, I used it all the time and my parents were very accomodating.

I still have it just in case somebody really ticks me off and need a treatment in their vehicle or shoes.
My first "hunting" knife i bought myself at age 14.
I used skunk scent,,, before I got in the vehicle,,,, on my boots and clothes....
I heard rumors of some hunters using it on the car of the brother of a landowner. She didn't want hunters but wouldn't prosecute. The brother would walk around the property to look for trespassers. Don't think he ever found any. I'm not sure what he would/could do if he had. Some of them didn't have a good reputation.
I never bought one but a friend did. They made this grunt tube type thing. It wasn't one that you blew. You held it in your hand and it had a little plastic piece. One piece was like a corrugated tube and the other was like a little curved scraper that you slid across it. If you did it slowly it would make a clicking noise, faster and it sounded kinda like a grunt. He said he thought it was worthless, until one time he was hunting and saw a buck making that clicking sound while tending a hot doe.
First grunt call I ever saw. Some guys from Hartsville were drawn for the first hunt ever on Henderson Island WMA had one.
I am laughing because almost all of the gadgets mentioned here from string timers to the butt out I have purchased through the years with the exception of Ozonics. I have always been a gadget guy thinking it would make me a better hunter. It didn't!! One item I spent lots of money on multiple times through out the years were the Monster Buck series and many more such VHS Video's. I was thinking why can't I figure out where these huge deer are at in Cheatam Wildlife🤣. I look back now and think how could I be so naïve. The MB series was good for entertainment and probably set the stage among many hunters to let young smaller deer walk but at the time I was seeing small 4 pointers and spikes and nothing like they killed.
I am laughing because almost all of the gadgets mentioned here from string timers to the butt out I have purchased through the years with the exception of Ozonics. I have always been a gadget guy thinking it would make me a better hunter. It didn't!! One item I spent lots of money on multiple times through out the years were the Monster Buck series and many more such VHS Video's. I was thinking why can't I figure out where these huge deer are at in Cheatam Wildlife🤣. I look back now and think how could I be so naïve. The MB series was good for entertainment and probably set the stage among many hunters to let young smaller deer walk but at the time I was seeing small 4 pointers and spikes and nothing like they killed.
I do believe those videos showed the type of bucks possible in different locations if they could just get some age on them.
I don't know about the dumbeat thing, but I'm going to testify a lil about this EverCalm witchcraft stick scent. I starting using it a few years ago. I'm a believer. I was in a stand a couoke of weeks ago and I turned to my right and a small buck had me pegged down wind of me. I pulled the top of the EverCalm and watched him just go about his business with no concern. I did this a few times this season. I put it on my boots and on the tree when I get on the stand.

Sex Panter...60% of the time, it works every time. #Anchorman


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I'll second the ever calm. Works 100 per cent. Only scent I use. I do wash all my clothes in no scent and no scent dryer sheets.

Things I've bought
Drury dog whistle
String arrow tracker
I bought a climbing stand once at local coop. It slid apart and back together around tree. It was impossible to hook up. I left it at the first place I tried it. lol
Sitka jacket. I couldn't move it was made so tight.
Single shot Nef 3 1/2 turkey gun. It was a dream to carry but when it broke the lens out of the scope I had on it I decided the kick was just too bad.
Powerbelt bullets. 2 buddies and I tried them first year. After tracking 3 bucks in 2 days with no luck we whirlybirded the remainder out through the woods.
I can't think of anymore so I guess that's pretty good for 40 years. lol.
I'll second the ever calm. Works 100 per cent. Only scent I use. I do wash all my clothes in no scent and no scent dryer sheets.

Things I've bought
Drury dog whistle
String arrow tracker
I bought a climbing stand once at local coop. It slid apart and back together around tree. It was impossible to hook up. I left it at the first place I tried it. lol
Sitka jacket. I couldn't move it was made so tight.
Single shot Nef 3 1/2 turkey gun. It was a dream to carry but when it broke the lens out of the scope I had on it I decided the kick was just too bad.
Powerbelt bullets. 2 buddies and I tried them first year. After tracking 3 bucks in 2 days with no luck we whirlybirded the remainder out through the woods.
I can't think of anymore so I guess that's pretty good for 40 years. lol.
Fractured my cheek bone with a nef 31/2 shooting the old win supreme hv #5😂

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