Hunting items that you sorta can’t believe you purchased??

I have one and they do work. It probably made a bunch of money and they still sell them.

What works much better is watching a good video how to just cut around the anus and then field dress it properly.

Can you imagine some sicko in prison getting ahold of that thing and then ripping some poor guys arse out?
That regressed quickly😳
I agree cover scents.....are great.....but who washes their towels and wash cloths into laundry with them? I am not saying that you didn't but I always marvel about hunters using DDW soap and shampoo, to only dry off with a Downy laced towel.
I use the no scent soap/ shampoo and I also have a towel and washcloth that's laundered in no scent/ no uv laundry soap that also is used on my hunting clothes. That was the first thing I thought about, why dry off with a downy towel after using no scent soap. Made no sense. So I made sense and wash my towel. Just sayin'
I always thought, growing up in the 80's, that an arrow that passed through a deer should have some type of chip attached to it.....the chip would release during the passing of the cavity and be a transmitter to find via the hunter. Like a latched on and was traceable.
Had that same thought.
I use the no scent soap/ shampoo and I also have a towel and washcloth that's laundered in no scent/ no uv laundry soap that also is used on my hunting clothes. That was the first thing I thought about, why dry off with a downy towel after using no scent soap. Made no sense. So I made sense and wash my towel. Just sayin'
I wash a couple of towels with my hunting clothes as well for this reason.
I use the no scent soap/ shampoo and I also have a towel and washcloth that's laundered in no scent/ no uv laundry soap that also is used on my hunting clothes. That was the first thing I thought about, why dry off with a downy towel after using no scent soap. Made no sense. So I made sense and wash my towel. Just sayin'
I'm lucky that we've got a washer and drier at hunting camp. NO scented soaps are allowed, nor are scented drier sheets. Even the bedding is washed in unscented soaps.
It was given to me so kinda does not fit but hand warmer that burned lighter fluid. It was warm but man it smelled things up
Cant believe I bought a trail camera that used 35mm film...I'd go broke developing film today....another item I didnt buy but got for Christmas one year...and I cant believe I used it was the Baker treestand...amazing how times have changed.
I remember standing in Walmart waiting on them to develop my film just to have 36 pics of wind blowing a limb...
Baker was the bomb as there wasn't anything else available 🤣. One jump up & slide two down.
I didn't buy one but I did think that might work at the time. But it was a buck grunt except you ran a tube down the tree and under the leaves over to another area on the ground. You blew into it on the stand and it grunted but away from you on the ground where you put it. No idea what the name is anymore. Buddy of mine told me years ago Bill Jordan came out with a mossy oak butt plug to keep from crapping on the stand. I told him I'll take my chances and would rather crap my pants. Of course he said he was joking. So going joke during season is don't forget your bill jordan. lol
Game tracker. I had one and remember shooting over a doe that just stood there with the string going across her back. Never did stick one using it.
I still have 2 with replacement spools.
I killed several using them during rainy days.
They actually worked pretty darn well
Jar of peanunt butter? We had a guy on our lease that would do the method of cutting the bottom off, screwing the top to a tree and then putting the jar back on the top. I wish we had cameras back then.

I bought some of the aerosal tinks 69. I used it to put out a little scent and also to help check the wind. I've got a long story I'll share one day where I took a direct hit to the face.
My buddy used a buck bomb ONCE. He hit the aerosol spray button and didn't know it sprayed straight up. All over him.
I remember standing in Walmart waiting on them to develop my film just to have 36 pics of wind blowing a limb...
Baker was the bomb as there wasn't anything else available 🤣. One jump up & slide two down.
Yea there is still a baker in a tree on Carter mountain. Sharpened the v-blade thinking it would hold better. Bit in so deep in the pine tree I couldn't break it free had to jump to a small tree and slide down leaving it in the tree.
I use both the laundry soap and body/hair wash (green liquid soap). All clothes air-dried and then stored in airtight containers. Inner layers get rewashed after every hunt.
Me too. I rub my feet and body down with a cedar or pine limb too. I attempt to hunt the wind. What I do, I've done for years, so I have confidence in doing things that way. I guess it may not matter in a 2-3k house blind but I hunt from trees.
First grunt call I ever saw. Some guys from Hartsville were drawn for the first hunt ever on Henderson Island WMA had on

I never bought one but a friend did. They made this grunt tube type thing. It wasn't one that you blew. You held it in your hand and it had a little plastic piece. One piece was like a corrugated tube and the other was like a little curved scraper that you slid across it. If you did it slowly it would make a clicking noise, faster and it sounded kinda like a grunt. He said he thought it was worthless, until one time he was hunting and saw a buck making that clicking sound while tending a hot doe.
Woods Wise Game Calls, owned by Jerry Peterson made those in the 80s. He was based in Franklin, TN. I still have one somewhere.
I completely agree with scent-free/killing soap — use the green kind that comes in a bottle. Also use scent and UV killing detergent and dryer sheets, then we store our clothes in plastic bags. Anything I can do to reduce my scent profile. If deer get right downwind of you they are still going to get whiff of you. But Ive also had them walk downwind catch whiff but continue their activities. Again just trying to reduce scent profile.

Most useless purchases were the cover scents — fox pee and such. Also Tinks and similar doe and buck pees. I used to use it when I was hunting in woods — sometimes I'd hear a deer coming but then they'd reverse course when they got downwind of the tinks. Then I started hunting mostly fields and I'd put some tinks out offset from my wind. It only took me about 3 times watching does totally throw on the brakes and high tail it in the other direction, for me to quit using it all together. It stinks and my experience is that the deer think so too. Other hunters will swear by it as strongly as I swear by soaps and detergents.

I do everything I can to not introduce unexpected scents.

Fractured my cheek bone with a nef 31/2 shooting the old win supreme hv #5😂
Can't say I'm totally surprised! That little gun kicked more than anything I've ever shot with just the 3" turkey loads, so I never bought any of the 3.5" shells for it!

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