I didn't realize it could be this bad!

Yes, all elevated platforms.
Even with what many hunters presume to be very safe situations, it can be easy to have a bad accident.

A few years ago I decided to use a friend's elevated box stand for the purpose of killing a late-season doe. This was one of the nicest & most expensive commercially made box stands, and the platform was approximately 14 feet high.

I climbed the ladder to the door, wearing my backpack. Problem is, you have to open the door, towards your face. This means you some how, some way have to move out of the way of the opening door. I came very, very close to losing my balance & falling backwards 14 feet.

I've since learned how to be more careful when using these type stands. Just keep in mind that any time you use a type stand you're not accustomed, you should be extra, extra careful.
Even with what many hunters presume to be very safe situations, it can be easy to have a bad accident.

A few years ago I decided to use a friend's elevated box stand for the purpose of killing a late-season doe. This was one of the nicest & most expensive commercially made box stands, and the platform was approximately 14 feet high.

I climbed the ladder to the door, wearing my backpack. Problem is, you have to open the door, towards your face. This means you some how, some way have to move out of the way of the opening door. I came very, very close to losing my balance & falling backwards 14 feet.

I've since learned how to be more careful when using these type stands. Just keep in mind that any time you use a type stand you're not accustomed, you should be extra, extra careful.
And that's why we installed these next to the door on all our Condo stands:


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Somehow we got to watching this today at work, the filming is dark and shaky, the soundtrack is a cross between Miami Vice and a slasher pic along with what sounds like a train or steam engine! Dan gut shoots that first buck and gives the camera man a thumbs up!!! 🤣 Noel is way up in a lock on with a cowboy hat and no safety harness/belt of any kind.
One of the guys here said it was like The Blair Witch Project with a bow and arrow! From 1987, enjoy!

But wasnt it great! It was simple, raw and wild. I watched them as well. I was 12 years old and dangling from a tree with a hammer in my mouth building permanent tree stands from wood left over from farm projects. Todays shows are too scripted , too commercial and too sponsor centric. Its monkey monkey do, cookie cutter. I enjoy going back and watching those early guys hunt and it reminds me of when hunting wasnt an "addiction "
But rather an adventure.
Cut the cedars on our place. Split them with wedges. We got s little ambitious on the size. They were almost too big for the post hole auger so they were hard to true up. They look a little wonky. The house itself is square.