Well-Known Member
So I'll begin this by saying yesterday evening I find a Tom watch him roost an go to bed.This morning me an my partner head out in the rain hoping I can fill a tag on the last day of the season.Were not expecting it to be real busy with other hunters.We arrive to only one other car no big deal we get our gear an off we go.We set up have a decoy out settling in for a wet hunt just like Saturday the ole Tom is firing off just like there supposed too.Across the field were hear what's gotta be the other guy hunting cause it was awful calling an just non stop not worried we still set quietly an patiently.The Tom flies down about 75-80 yards out along with his 2 hens.We watch them for a while feeding around in the mean time this horrible calling is getting closer.The turkeys start to get spooky so I tell my partner I'm going to crawl towards this bird an try to close the distants.I'm get to around 50yds an I'm trying to make my decision on to get closer or shoot because these turkeys are starting to move away quick like all of a sudden BOOM!!! Shot plasters the ground to the left of my head in my head I'm thinking what the F^^K just happened I turn around to find what looks like a Grown Man with a young boy with him The look on there faces was of disbelief realizing they almost took my head off.Disgusted an furious I just stare at the man for a moment the guy asks are you all right I reply a simple yes I look at my partner an start packing our gear up .The idiot of a hunter starts trying to small talk I pay him no attention having plenty of choice words running through my head for this idiot of a hunter an mentor for this kid.As me an my partner head back to the truck I let 3 shells run through my gun relieving some anger an frustration which was stupid now that I have cooled off an thought about it.Moron is still standing in the same spot we had left them in.You could tell this guy had no clue what he was doing period in the woods plus by letting what I assume was his son take a 80 plus yard shot with a 20 gauge I do not blame the kid but do blame the idiot he was with!My point is you new guys use some common sense your not the only guys out there chasing em I could have had the side of my face torn off.Sorry for the long post. I had to vent some more about some of the idiots out there hunting.