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Idiot public land hunters(Yanahli)


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
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So I'll begin this by saying yesterday evening I find a Tom watch him roost an go to bed.This morning me an my partner head out in the rain hoping I can fill a tag on the last day of the season.Were not expecting it to be real busy with other hunters.We arrive to only one other car no big deal we get our gear an off we go.We set up have a decoy out settling in for a wet hunt just like Saturday the ole Tom is firing off just like there supposed too.Across the field were hear what's gotta be the other guy hunting cause it was awful calling an just non stop not worried we still set quietly an patiently.The Tom flies down about 75-80 yards out along with his 2 hens.We watch them for a while feeding around in the mean time this horrible calling is getting closer.The turkeys start to get spooky so I tell my partner I'm going to crawl towards this bird an try to close the distants.I'm get to around 50yds an I'm trying to make my decision on to get closer or shoot because these turkeys are starting to move away quick like all of a sudden BOOM!!! Shot plasters the ground to the left of my head in my head I'm thinking what the F^^K just happened I turn around to find what looks like a Grown Man with a young boy with him The look on there faces was of disbelief realizing they almost took my head off.Disgusted an furious I just stare at the man for a moment the guy asks are you all right I reply a simple yes I look at my partner an start packing our gear up .The idiot of a hunter starts trying to small talk I pay him no attention having plenty of choice words running through my head for this idiot of a hunter an mentor for this kid.As me an my partner head back to the truck I let 3 shells run through my gun relieving some anger an frustration which was stupid now that I have cooled off an thought about it.Moron is still standing in the same spot we had left them in.You could tell this guy had no clue what he was doing period in the woods plus by letting what I assume was his son take a 80 plus yard shot with a 20 gauge I do not blame the kid but do blame the idiot he was with!My point is you new guys use some common sense your not the only guys out there chasing em I could have had the side of my face torn off.Sorry for the long post. I had to vent some more about some of the idiots out there hunting.
Sorry man not a good way to end your season.I have never hunted public land just for this reason,never heard anything but horror stories!
Glad your OK. You might want to rethink belly cralwing around like that on public land when you know there are other hunters in the area. Not trying to be mean but, you are hunting public land too and that ranks up there with not the smartest of things Ive heard someone do.
TN RDG RNR said:
Glad your OK. You might want to rethink belly cralwing around like that on public land when you know there are other hunters in the area. Not trying to be mean but, you are hunting public land too and that ranks up there with not the smartest of things Ive heard someone do.

Dont feel bad, i would have been crawling as well. Gotta do what you gotta do. Glad your alright. I drive by yanahali all the time going from lewisburg to columbia. It has some great looking habitat for sure.
First of all, let me say that I'm glad you are ok, and I'm glad the other guy and especially his boy didn't have to go through a horrible experience.

But, I can't really put too much blame on him. The only thing he can get blamed for is not being 100% sure of his target if he was shooting at movement, which is a no-no; then again he may have just made a bad shot at what he was aiming at and never knew you were there. We will never know.

He may have been a novice hunter a or seasoned vet. Regardless, of his expertise, he is not the one that made a few "novice" mistakes...

XxBlack_CloudxX said:
[1] We arrive to only one other car no big deal we get our gear an off we go.....
You saw the other car in a public area; no doubt that another hunter is likely in the area = Red Flag, means you should be extra cautious. Good reason to have some fluorescent orange in a pocket in case he stalks a bird.

XxBlack_CloudxX said:
[2] Across the field were hear what's gotta be the other guy hunting cause it was awful calling an just non stop not worried we still set quietly an patiently....
Okay. Now you know where he is and that he is working the same birds. You can either move off and try another area (wisest choice), you can stay quietly and see if you get lucky maybe he will give up and leave or maybe the bird will approach your decoys for a close in shot (remember that the other guy may try a stalk which puts you and him in danger; open field is pretty safe but not 100%), or you can stay set up at a distance and try to call the bird off him (he was there first, sport).

XxBlack_CloudxX said:
[3] I tell my partner I'm going to crawl toward this bird an try to close the distance.
You are in full camo! You want to crawl low to the ground toward a man, that probably doesn't know you are there, with a gun concentrating on getting a shot ant an animal that has him pumped possibly to the point of tunnel vision and unaware of your intent. This is not Afghanistan and that turkey is not in the Taliban = not worth the risk.

You may have hunted a lot over the years and are quite capable and gifted, but it sounds like just made a very novice mistake. It is easy to get caught up in the moment and make such mistakes. We have all made some and learned from them; I hope that they are not as serious.

I just hope that everyone learns from this, Including readers on this site.

I have crawled up on a few birds (which was probably foolish) and was successfully rewarded, but I hunted on large private tracts (15k acres) in which all hunters had to check-in so I had a good idea of how many others were on the property (few or none). If I saw a vehicle anywhere in the area, crawling walking while turkey-calling, etc. never entered my mind.

But even then, the stalk came after working the birds for hours in areas that I spent a lot of time in when no one was present.

Please be careful! When more than one man is on a bird, the danger factor goes way up, so keep that in mind. It is always best to let the "other guy" have a go and live to hunt another day.
I am confused is the title of this thread about you?

The other guy was there first, according to you, he was clearly set up before YOU on the gobbling bird. And you violated a cardinal rule of turkey hunting safety, especially if you know someone else is there. Sneaking turkeys is a good way to end up dead or busted up. I can't believe I actually read what I did, the only person who should be mad is the other guy for you almost ruining his life and his sons by killing you.

Who cares if the guy was a bad hunter, or bad caller. That doesn't give you the right to encroach on his bird, then try to bushwhack it out from under him.

All I hunt is public land, and the way I see this one, is there is only one idiot in this equation. And it isn't the guy who shot at a turkey not knowing _ _ _ _ _ was sneaking the same bird, knowing the whole time that another was working that bird.

Sad, pathetic, and truly unbelievable!!!
Does the other guy know he was roosted and put to bed? If someone beats you to the spot makes it his, he was there first, and even if he wanted to give it a go he was the one who knew there was someone else in the area the other guy may or may not have known! Once the shot leaves the barrel theres no calling it back and right or wrong you could have been killed and for what a turkey? I love to turkey hunt but guys all the birds in the world aint worth dieing for.
Sounds like it was your fault not the other hunters. Should never stalk a bird someone else is calling to bc you dont know how close they may be to it. They were there first too. A turkey isnt worth getting shot.
First off Dalton I left there last night by myself no other cars period were there when I arrived or on departure an when I got there in the dark I did not walk around looking for this cat I went to my spot sat down this guys calling was another field over he closed the distance coming towards me an while I was crawling away from his calling not towards it the shot was taken 20yds from my original starting point so how was it his spot I've hunted this place for years an not once had a problem i've been respectful to all but somehow this is turning around to be my fault by crawling towards a turkey an away from another hunter I never figured somone would take a 80plus yard shot at a bird non ethical but apparently there's alot of shots like that taken I understand the crawling bit bad idea thanks for all the replies.
XxBlack_CloudxX said:
First off Dalton I left there last night by myself no other cars period were there when I arrived or on departure an when I got there in the dark I did not walk around looking for this cat I went to my spot sat down this guys calling was another field over he closed the distance coming towards me an while I was crawling away from his calling not towards it the shot was taken 20yds from my original starting point so how was it his spot I've hunted this place for years an not once had a problem i've been respectful to all but somehow this is turning around to be my fault by crawling towards a turkey an away from another hunter I never figured somone would take a 80plus yard shot at a bird non ethical but apparently there's alot of shots like that taken I understand the crawling bit bad idea thanks for all the replies.

The problem is very obvious---you refer to it as "your spot", sorry to inform you but it is not "your spot". It is just as much my spot as it is yours, and just as much the other guys as it is yours. We all have contributed $$$ to make that land public, so it belongs to us.

Who cares if you have hunted it for years, that matters for nothing. It is everyones spot, that is what you fail to realize.

This situation is your fault, you clearly stated that you heard the other guy calling, and rather then leave when he had beat you there this morning, you stuck it out and tried to rathole the bird out from under him. Not cool at all, and definitely a display of pitiful etiquette.

You cut him off according to what you say, by getting between him and the bird. A very dangerous situation, and one which could have been easily avoided if a little common sense and common freaking courtesy had been used.

It is up to each person to decide what is an ethical range. Personally I think that is way too far a shot, but based on what you are saying in this thread, it could have been much closer, and you just trying to turn the thing around, and divert attention away from the horrendous lack of respect you showed for another fellow hunter.

I used to run into this crap duck hunting, and I quit because of it. I couldn't handle the arrogant rude folks who thought they owned every hole in the woods, and cut people off just to get to what they thought was their spot. I see from your screen name, that you are possible a duck hunter....

The only person which qualifies for the title of this thread is the author. Sorry for the bluntness, but the lack of respect you showed to another hunter, is just unacceptable and dangerous. You are at fault, not the other guy.
XxBlack_CloudxX said:
Plus I sit down less than a 100yds from the turkey on roost an the other fella is 200yds or better?

That doesn't matter, that only means you cut the other hunter off. You clearly stated you heard him calling, with that you should have gotten up and left. But then again that would have been the smart and courteous thing to do.
TN RDG RNR said:
Glad your OK. You might want to rethink belly cralwing around like that on public land when you know there are other hunters in the area. Not trying to be mean but, you are hunting public land too and that ranks up there with not the smartest of things Ive heard someone do.
Setterman said:
The problem is very obvious---you refer to it as "your spot", sorry to inform you but it is not "your spot". It is just as much my spot as it is yours, and just as much the other guys as it is yours. We all have contributed $$$ to make that land public, so it belongs to us.

Who cares if you have hunted it for years, that matters for nothing. It is everyones spot, that is what you fail to realize.

This situation is your fault, you clearly stated that you heard the other guy calling, and rather then leave when he had beat you there this morning, you stuck it out and tried to rathole the bird out from under him. Not cool at all, and definitely a display of pitiful etiquette.

You cut him off according to what you say, by getting between him and the bird. A very dangerous situation, and one which could have been easily avoided if a little common sense and common freaking courtesy had been used.

You are at fault, not the other guy.

Setterman said:
XxBlack_CloudxX said:
Plus I sit down less than a 100yds from the turkey on roost an the other fella is 200yds or better?

That doesn't matter, that only means you cut the other hunter off. You clearly stated you heard him calling, with that you should have gotten up and left. But then again that would have been the smart and courteous thing to do.

Now Setter Man, you are conflicting your own replies..... in one reply you say the spot isn't Black Clouds and then you refer to the turkey being the other hunters because he was there first..... so which is it, is the land/turkeys everyones or not? Public land is public land, it's not always give and take..... if you get the chance at a bird, you better take it. Safety should always be first when you pull a trigger.

A vehicle is sitting on the side of the road, how should another hunter know where they set up.....Do we go around hollering through the woods trying to locate the other hunter to see where they will be hunting? Black Cloud roosted the bird the day before, then he returned to the spot and set up. He clearly stated the other guy was calling from a farther distance away to begin with. How is that B.C. cutting him off? Given the situation I might have moved on the bird to try to get a shot before the other hunter spooked him.... probably by whatever means I felt necessary.

I hunt public land sometimes and I also hunt semi-public lands. Either one, if I hear a bird gobbling I will be moving on him. If I see or hear another hunter working him, I will yield. If I don't and that bird comes to me and presents a shot, you better believe I will take a shot...... then if so-in-so comes out and says blah, blah, blah, well that is hunting public land and he came to me first.

Setterman said:
I am confused is the title of this thread about you?

The other guy was there first, according to you, he was clearly set up before YOU on the gobbling bird. I can't believe I actually read what I did, the only person who should be mad is the other guy for you almost ruining his life and his sons by killing you.

Who cares if the guy was a bad hunter, or bad caller. That doesn't give you the right to encroach on his bird, then try to bushwhack it out from under him.

All I hunt is public land, and the way I see this one, is there is only one idiot in this equation. And it isn't the guy who shot at a turkey not knowing _ _ _ _ _ was sneaking the same bird, knowing the whole time that another was working that bird.

Sad, pathetic, and truly unbelievable!!!

YOU ARE WRONG!!!! If that boy had killed or hurt B.C. the ones to blame would be the trigger man for not knowing his target.... then his dads for not paying better attention in what his son was shooting at.

It amazes me how much finger pointing there is on here. In fact I would almost wager how many of the "perfect" hunters on here are more hypocrites than not. Only the hunter, in that moment, know what he or she will do. For others to say this or that, what they should or should not be doing is really not for their deciding. If they are hunting by the law, it's their business how they go about it.

With my own issues in the past, this is just another reason for myself and some others to post or visit the site even less..... it's just getting to be too pathetic!!!
i really think this arguing is constructive. It is ok to disagree, no one got hurt. Argue away. Does anyone every wear knee pads when they crawl up on a turkey? I thought about it.
Setterman im not meaning to present myself as owning the spot or property by no means when i said my spot i meant at were i was planning on setting up hoping he would fly down in front of me which he did the other guy hunting could not even see the bird.I dont want to be accused of calling a public land my spot an thats my fault for not wording the whole post differently.

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