Idiot public land hunters(Yanahli)

First Setterman I have not taken any offense to your posts.I do not mind a heated debate.First I never called this MY BIRD or MY SPOT as you have stated reread original post you must have gotten confused.Your correct you do not know the area so when you pull in the parking area of a mid to large size wma an theres one car thats considered not to be very crowded maybe different for you in Mountain Country.We arrived in the dark so theres plenty of directions for you to go an hunt.If you will look I said I roosted the bird not claiming the bird I would call it doing my homework so with that known I knew the direction I wanted to go.We set up once again in the dark with no knowledge of were the other guy could be.When I said field I apologize I should have been more descriptive this is probably a 50 acre field in the shape of a U with woods running threw the center of it and around all sides of it which means its split into two smaller fields I cannot see the entire field/fields because of the woods.Daybreak comes the turkey fires off right were he was the evening before 80yds or so from us.The other hunter was on the opposite side of the entire field not directly across from us, the opposite side of a 50 acre field an when I hear this guys calling im supposed to call it quits when I have a turkey in front of me?This guy never worked this turkey once if he was dont you think the turkey would have proceeded in his direction not away from him?When I made the decision to crawl to the turkey which is now moving to the right of my position and futher away from this other hunter which is now on the move.By this time this guy sounds to be to the left side of me down in the bottom of the field I am in which notice I said bottom I had no visual of him nor did he have visual of me or the turkey.Thats were I see I made a mistake knowing this guy is on the same side of the field I am in I should have had better judgement not to crawl to this bird.While crawling, once again going away from the other hunter im maybe 25yds from my original position an the shot is fired from behind me and I stand up an realize this guy is 20yds from my original position.So I do not understand how I claimed the spot or got beat to a spot when the morning began we were several hundred yards from one another in a field that is split with a patch of woods but in your eyes I made a sad,pathetic,decision intruding in on this guy,his spot an what you call HIS BIRD which I disagree with.If this guy would have been on the same side of the field I would have backed out.If I had went out there blind not knowing were to set up on a roosted bird i would have never went there yesterday morning shoot I would have stayed in out of the rain.I agree that the crawling almost cost me my life or serious injury but I would have never taken a 80yd shot.That shows another mistake I made given this other hunter the credit of figuring he could make the right judgment of how to handle a firearm.So im still confused to how one man can claim a large field its public remember as you stated plus how was that this guys bird as you stated, dont you think that if he had roosted the bird he would have been on the same side of the field(Read Description Of FIELD)I was in??Now if you could explain how I claimed the spot got beat to the spot and claimed this bird and intruded on this guy.Note I never moved futher than 30yds from my original starting position.Thanks
Farming68 I apologize for not getting back to your post im not ignoring anything just not a high priority on my list of things to do.But if you will notice my posts of 253 to your 9427 I don't not spend alot of time posting or on Tndeer.
Ok I have read every post on here and without a doubt can see both sides of this thread. After reading BC last post with a better explanation of the terrain and his position the other guy was in the wrong, IMO. He covered a heck of a lot more ground and if BC only moved 30 yards from his original spot then I don't see that being a huge deal. Yeah sneaking around on public land is not very smart, ethical, etc. but 30 yards is not a whole lot. Especially when he knew where the other hunter was. Yes another side could be what if someone else moved in and there were 3 hunters on the same bird? But we can "discuss" many different situations. I am just glad no one was hurt. BC thanks for explaining it a little better.
I don't think you were in the wrong. Crawling might not have been the best thing to do, but I don't blame you for trying to put yourself in a position to harvest a turkey.

Were you calling, too? If so, why should you be in the wrong if you were closer to the bird and the other hunters could hear you? Shouldn't the other hunters have been the ones to leave?

It probably would have been better to vent to one of your buddies instead of on tndeer. There are too many people eagerly watiting to tell you how wrong you were and how they would have handled the situation more "ethically."
Blackcloud your last explanation clears up alot, still not a wise move by any means, but not nearly the same picture you originally painted with your initial post.
The most important part is that hopefully we all learned something and no one was hurt and by the grace of God we are able to hear your story. Please lets all be carefull out there, as I stated before all the turkeys in the world ain't worth getting killed over!!
Yeah, i thought proper hunting etiquette is: if you are going to a spot on public land and a vehicle is there, go somewhere else. This SHOULD BE A LAW. If you want to get to your spot, get there earlier. "The early bird catches the worm." There is a law about that when it comes to duck blinds. They should write one concerning public land access.
erperry said:
Yeah, i thought proper hunting etiquette is: if you are going to a spot on public land and a vehicle is there, go somewhere else. This SHOULD BE A LAW. If you want to get to your spot, get there earlier. "The early bird catches the worm." There is a law about that when it comes to duck blinds. They should write one concerning public land access.

the only thing about that is that you can go a multitude of directions from the parking area. if i am hunting in the total opposite direction, why should i have to go somewhere else? the last thing we need is more government restrictions.
Yeah but unless you get there at the time as the other person you wont know what direction they are hunting. I dont hunt public land any more, but when i did i would never think about hunting where someone was already parked, but thats just me

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