IF you use a processor, you might ...

I've killed 3 deer so far this year and 2 have come back positive for CWD. I haven't heard yet on the 3rd one. I've donated the meat as well as money to HFTH. The processor has had to dispose of the meat. If you process this meat yourself, your kitchen surfaces, knives and grinders can't be cleaned of the prions. Therefore your kitchen is contaminated! No thanks!
I've killed 3 deer so far this year and 2 have come back positive for CWD. I haven't heard yet on the 3rd one. I've donated the meat as well as money to HFTH. The processor has had to dispose of the meat. If you process this meat yourself, your kitchen surfaces, knives and grinders can't be cleaned of the prions. Therefore your kitchen is contaminated! No thanks!

Curious....I'm not in CWD zone...how are processors dealing with this? Is all of their equipment contaminated? Or do they have a process they go through to keep from cross contaminating meat from deer to deer....seems impossible to manage?
I've killed 3 deer so far this year and 2 have come back positive for CWD. I haven't heard yet on the 3rd one. I've donated the meat as well as money to HFTH. The processor has had to dispose of the meat. If you process this meat yourself, your kitchen surfaces, knives and grinders can't be cleaned of the prions. Therefore your kitchen is contaminated! No thanks!
Did you gut those positive deer
If you process this meat yourself, your kitchen surfaces, knives and grinders can't be cleaned of the prions. Therefore your kitchen is contaminated! No thanks!

Not true.
Curious....I'm not in CWD zone...how are processors dealing with this? Is all of their equipment contaminated? Or do they have a process they go through to keep from cross contaminating meat from deer to deer....seems impossible to manage?
The processors to my knowledge don't do anything different. Yes, IMO, their equipment is cross contaminated. If you have ever been in the back of a deer processor, you know they aren't the cleanest places. This is why I donate all the meat.
I process my own, while watching Yellowstone, and I normally take a break before grinding to check Facebook. Most of my deer are shot with a 6.5 Creedmoor, after which I go on TN Deer to ask if anyone has a tracking dog. All while mumbling to myself that the shot is not a vaccine and I ain't taking it unless I decide I want to.
Oh, and I've hunted hard the last week and only saw one little 6 point, so I would suggest paying zero attention to anything hunting or otherwise that I say!
I like girls so I do process my own deer and think facebook is garbage. However Yellowstone is Badazz!

I'm waiting for people to start processing turkeys and ducks too so people won't get their hands all "Yucky and Stuff"
With all that hyperbole I'm not sure if you're trying to convince us or yourself. Do you, by chance, happen to drive a truck with a lift kit, oversized tires, and moose mirrors?
With all that hyperbole I'm not sure if you're trying to convince us or yourself. Do you, by chance, happen to drive a truck with a lift kit, oversized tires, and moose mirrors?
Nope, none of the above.

It's an unfortunate fact that most "men" are more comfortable telling strangers on Facebook every time they fart than they are quartering a deer or skinning a mess of squirrels. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

On a side note, Yellowstone was pretty solid tonight.
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Nope, none of the above.

It's an unfortunate fact that most "men" are more comfortable telling strangers on Facebook every time they fart than they are quartering a deer or skinning a mess of squirrels. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
I just want to thank you for being here to show all of us metrosexual yuppies what a real man is. Most of us have never quartered a deer, processed a deer, skinned a squirrel, or got our hands dirty. We are just a bunch of posers that don't even hunt. I must say you would fit right in on Facebook. I got off of there because it's just a place for chest beaters to tell everyone how great they are. I'll share a quote I heard many moons ago: "A lion doesn't have to tell you he's a lion."
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I just want to thank you for being here to show all of us metrosexual yuppies what a real man is. Most of us have never quartered a deer, processed a deer, skinned a squirrel, or got our hands dirty. We are just a bunch of posers that don't even hunt. I must say you would fit right in on Facebook. I got off of there because it's just a place for chest beaters to tell everyone how great they are. I'll share a quote I heard many moons ago: "A lion doesn't have to tell you he's a lion."
I apologize for offending you, I mistakingly thought you enjoyed the mutual ribbing.
I use Bulls Gap custom meats and Mccoy meats in Rogersville. I'm guessing they flubbed up so.ething at snapps?
That's an understatement! I took a total of 3 deer, including my sond 1st buck. These people have got to be the sorriest most uneducated butcher shop for meat safety that I have ever seen! If you ever decide to take a deer here expected to let it spoil before you get it back and you may not even get the same deer or all of it back. On day 30 after no call back, I made a visit unannounced to find two of my three deer still laying in the pile of other rotting deer carcasses. I was going to take it to Bulls Gap, but whenever I did he refused one deer and call me back about another one and said that he wouldn't feed it to his family so he wouldn't let me do it either. When the manager was told about it and he even seen the deer he told me that I didn't know s**t about meat that they would feed it to the hungry. It was ridiculous, the hair was slipping and the skin was green. I REALLY hated to see the meat wasted. And TWRA, dept of health, and USDA did nothing!
I apologize for offending you, I mistakingly thought you enjoyed the mutual ribbing.
I do enjoy the ribbing. I just took it the wrong way. I thought you were 100% serious, and making a lot of assumptions about who's on Fakebook, what they post, who has never quartered a deer, etc. We're good.

For the record, I hunt a lot in central MS. It's a different mindset there. Very few processors and everyone I know and hunt with guts, skins, and quarters their deer. Typically we cook the tenderloins and backstraps while at camp and drop the quarters off at a processor to be ground up while we get back to hunting. When I hunt TN I use a processor because it gives me extra time to hunt. I enjoy doing my own and the finished product is much better quality. It's just a time thing. When I retire I will do all my own processing.
I do enjoy the ribbing. I just took it the wrong way. I thought you were 100% serious, and making a lot of assumptions about who's on Fakebook, what they post, who has never quartered a deer, etc. We're good.

For the record, I hunt a lot in central MS. It's a different mindset there. Very few processors and everyone I know and hunt with guts, skins, and quarters their deer. Typically we cook the tenderloins and backstraps while at camp and drop the quarters off at a processor to be ground up while we get back to hunting. When I hunt TN I use a processor because it gives me extra time to hunt. I enjoy doing my own and the finished product is much better quality. It's just a time thing. When I retire I will do all my own processing.
I understand, everybody's situation is different given constraints of time and location. I'm afraid with CWD moving the way it is options are going to be limited in the future.

In college we would bone out hams and take 6 or 8 of them to Yoders in Como, TN. They made some of the best summer sausage and jalapeño cheddar bratwursts you can imagine. If you bone them out good and clean they wouldn't charge you to quarter, debone or dispose of the carcass.

Haven't eaten anything from there in the past 10 years but they appear to still be in operation. And by the looks of the pictures they are still producing a quality product.
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