IF you use a processor, you might ...

How much meat would you expect out of a deer that size shot with a gun?? 40 lbs is A LOT!!!!
If you got 55 lbs out of a deer you should be doing jumping jacks!!! A Missouri deer don't even yield 55 lbs of food quality meat
Best deer processor around hands down!!! You get your meat back and he won't put trash in it to make it weigh more... Highly recommend to anyone.. very clean too
The buckbarn in Smithville is by far the best I've found!! They vacuume seal EVERYTHING which is so nice!!! Plus you get your deer back and they are very meticulous about cutting out grissle and bone carnage.. Can't say a single bad word about them!! Been using them for 5-7 years very knowledgeable and clean!!!
New poster makes 6 posts, all 6 about deer processing, and 4 of the 6 are touting how great The Buck Barn is. I think we can welcome the owner of The Buck Barn to the campfire. 😅
want to check with them to see if they are full or not.

H&R in Crossville has announced that they are full until they can catch up.

Add to that, one of the other local processors is no longer doing deer.

Just a heads up!

AND if you process your own, good for you, but we really don't care :D !
Just do your own, lol (couldnt resist)

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