Incredible/Bittersweet find w/ pictures

Wild find! The craziest one i have found dead was a buck that a tree fell on. It landed across his shoulders and neck.
The only thing similar to this that I've ever seen happened during the 2013 deer season. That year we had an unusual amount of high wind storms in upper East Tennessee during the muzzleloader and rifle seasons.

On the walk back to my truck one day, I saw a spot of white in the distance that seemed out of place so I went to investigate. Yep, you guessed it. Three powerline poles had been snapped off during one of the wind storms, allowing two very live power lines to droop to almost ground level. Two young bucks I'd guess at 2.5 years old had let their curiosity get the best of them, and they paid dearly for their inquisitiveness when they were electrocuted. Never seen that before in my 63 years.
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As mentioned, this would capture my attention on a magazine rack. Thanks for sharing, Can't imagine the struggles of these two in this situation.
I know of places exactly like that up on Carter Mountain, used to hunt up there in the 1970s, and again when I was a member on the club there about 20 years ago.
Cliffs cracks & and crevasses all over that place, I used to sneak along there looking for this exact sort of thing.
Deer walk along those cliff edges, and trails criss crossing those cracks.
Amazing find & photos.