I would speculate several exploring frontiersmen met a similar fate during the 1700's & 1800's.That thought definitely crossed my mind while I was down in there. Didn't want to join them.
Even more if you don't look for it.There is plenty of danger out there if you look for it.
Thanks Knothead. I knew I had found something unique but didn't realize how uncommon these kinds of finds were until I shared it here. I can't honestly say I did it safely, but I didn't feel too uncomfortable with the situation. My wife on the other hand was not to happy with my decision. This may fit one of those "why women live longer" memes perfectly.Wow! Amazing find for sure. What's more amazing is how you got down in the crevice to retrieve the antlers. Curious exactly how you managed to do that safely??
Congrats on the find and the unfortunate closure.
Thank you. Marion county in southeast TN.Amazing find…nature can be cruel as we view it…what county is that…looks like sandstone bluffs…