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Iowa hunting


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 12, 2007
Work has recently moved me from the Northeast part of the country into the middle, runs from MO up into MN and as far West as UT. Met with one business owner this week who owns a nice hunting camp near Des Moines, IA and he was sharing photos. Oh my Lord what brutes!
I worked for an Insurance company out of Cedar Rapids a few years ago for a bit. Had to go up there often. Always dreamed of hunting it. Still have some relationships up there, so the possibility remains.
I should draw that tag next year…. I'm trying to find some land to if yall know of anyone. Trying for zone 5
I became a resident of Iowa for a couple years because of a job. What I learned while there is private land permission is really easy to obtain. Just ask and usually they say yes. I also learned that public land is just as good or better than private. Don't overlook the small 300 acres or less public pieces. It's a different world up there. Hope yall kill a monster.