Well-Known Member
I had an old buddy that would talk turkey with me years ago.I was in my 20's and him in his late 70's. He would ask "you had any luck luck" and if the answer was yes his next question would be "did you fool him".. He never wanted to talk about a turkey that you just killed if it wasn't anything other than a fair hunt. He had no respect for a bush whacker or a chufa field sitter etc. I can't imagine what he'd say to this new breed of fanning and body shots. I really didn't understand it way back then, but I totally get it now 25 yrs later. If you have to cluck to stop him from running over you due to fooling him it is a different thing than belly crawling in for an ambush or holding a fan amnd just walking up to him. I will say this the old man wasn't against making gobblers sounds to pick a fight, I realized at a fairly young age that his ego"gobbler" and urge to fight is even stronger than the urge to breed. The video of fanning makes that point pretty clear. Fighting purrs,your gobbles,the beat of a real wing were all exceptable to the old feller. Just my thoughts on it. I find mself now asking buddies "Did you fool him".Lol