Below I'm going to say some things that some might find offensive, so if you're easily offended stop reading.
There is nothing skillful about fanning, there is nothing cool about fanning, and there is no respect given from me to a hunter who kills a bird by fanning. Learn to call, and hunt henned up field turkeys, it's not easy by any means but take the time and learn to hunt rather than just kill. Sure the outcome is the same, but one style requires no skill while the other takes patience, an understanding of turkeys, and knowledge of how to call/maneuver/setup/ to kill a very difficult critter to kill. So many hunters these days want only the picture of a dead turkey, they don't want to spend one second actually learning how to hunt turkeys.
Saying runners are idiots, just proves that whoever posted that has very little understanding of turkey hunting outside of a blind. To me nothing is dumber than sitting in a pn enclosed prison cell waiting for a bird to amble by. maybe get out of your comfy chair sometime and actually go into the battle with nothing but a call and a tree, you might change your tune on who the idiots are, because fighting it out with one like that versus in a enclosed pen is an entirely different deal, and not one easily done by an idiot. Any idiot can stick a decoy in a field and any idiot can plop their fat butt in a chair and wait for one to run in. Any idiot can crawl, heck babies crawl.
It might have seemed cool to start throwing out the idiot word, but know I will more than happy to throw it right back in a different context.
On jakes, I think the jake limit should be one, period. That way everyone can kill one if they desire, and after that it's mature birds only. Don't even get me started on shooting bearded hens.