Juvy hunt

I would love to talk. You seem like u know what ur doing I hardly ever go out west but I'm sure pops would allow it. Just have to bring it up with him. I would be up for killing a bird out west. If your really genuine about pm my dad and make sure it's ok with him.

You're welcome here. I'll PM you my number. You and your dad can discuss it and give me a call sometime.
While there might not be a dead Turkey as of right now there will be at least one this season. The rain started picking up heavy and decided to call it. If I get a break this afternoon I'll definitely be back out there. Thank you guys for the best wishes and standing up for me. Now hgb1 I'm sorry if I can out like a smart @$$. I don't like people tellin me to do. Not saying your judgement was wrong just sayin I'd rather do me and if I fail... I fail. I will learn from my mistakes and find a solution. Coach always tell us " don't make excuses find a solution." And I'll live by that @hbg1 I'm sorry again for coming out like an a$$hole
There are several other threads from the last few days where you can read your fill on this subject. But this is not the thread for this debate. Literally no one has questioned Eli's choice to use a decoy. We're just rooting for a dead turkey pic soon.
Humm...seems like decoys are a touchy subject around here. And seems you were the second one to comment on it. I'm not a turkey hunter so I'll gracefully bow out. Apparently as I been told I'm in the wrong thread...lol. Good luck to all that use them and those that don't. Just enjoy the hunt and stay legal.
I'm not a turkey hunter, but I do let certain juveniles hunt on my farm with an adult. Yesterday a 16 year old tagged his first turkey just as the first storm was rolling in...9.5" beard and 1.25" Spurs...he was pumped! His dad and the guide were all in the blind and had an incredible experience. They were using a decoy, though the guide said this bird didn't want to have anything to do with the decoy and it almost spooked him. However, I seen him video hunts here when the decoy made all the difference. My point is, if it's legal to use why all the fuss, regardless of someone's age? Duck hunters live and die by decoys. Small game hunters use highly trained dogs to find their birds, rabbits, etc. Deer hunters use salt licks, food plots, a plethora of lures (excluding baiting), etc...and its all legal. Geez, just let each hunter decide their own legal method of chasing their particular game and just support the fact they're out there enjoying nature and not into drugs and alcohol and all that goes with it. If it's a legal method, and a hunter decides to use it, more power to them...regardless of age! It DOES NOT make them any less of a hunter than the one who chooses not to use it....IMHO. Besides, you're hunting these animals in their own back yards where they live 24/7, so if you think it offers you an advantage then I'm saying you definitely need it!! Good luck in your pursuit, and don't give a second thought to what another hunter thinks you should or shouldn't be doing if it works for you and it's legal.
Holy smokes, perfectly said, why can't the decoy bashers understand the things you've plainly seen and stated?
Holy smokes, perfectly said, why can't the decoy bashers understand the things you've plainly seen and stated?

My gosh man for as old as you claim you just can seem to let things go.
If you wanna KEEP getting your 2cents in about the subject bring it up in the 2 other threads you have commented on already.
Let the kid have his post drama free. This is like the 3rd or 4th comment about it by you in this same thread. Have some respect and either move on or keep it going in the other posts.
I'm at a loss of words here. Age is obviously just a number because Eli is more of a man then some on here. HGB1 let it go. Eli I hope you tag the boss gobbler. Don't let people get in your head and try to make it out like we don't support you and your efforts. Some people never grow up and don't know how to handle their immaturity.
My gosh man for as old as you claim you just can seem to let things go.
If you wanna KEEP getting your 2cents in about the subject bring it up in the 2 other threads you have commented on already.
Let the kid have his post drama free. This is like the 3rd or 4th comment about it by you in this same thread. Have some respect and either move on or keep it going in the other posts.
You're doing the same thing by posting fool