Juvy hunt

The wind can be your friend :)
Often causes birds to get out in the fields more (where you can see them),
then, you can move around more, without being seen,
because of that wind.

Great opportunity to get between some field birds and their roosting area.
True I was huntin a field after the rain and had absolutely no luck
Well, at least you got to enjoy a little "early" time afield before a lot of those longbeards got killed :)
It can be fun just learning more and enjoying whatever you see while hunting.
Might seem hard to believe, but when I was your age, not only was there no early juvenile hunt, but there wasn't even a turkey season in most TN counties.
Well, at least you got to enjoy a little "early" time afield before a lot of those longbeards got killed :)
It can be fun just learning more and enjoying whatever you see while hunting.
Might seem hard to believe, but when I was your age, not only was there no early juvenile hunt, but there wasn't even a turkey season in most TN counties.
It was fun to get out and some what enjoy Mother Nature. Just wished something would have walked in front of me. Shoot I'd be happy to hear something at least
Wish you had some luck this weekend, Eli. I was holding on to cinder blocks of the foundation of our cabin yesterday. Really bad storms here, so things could have been worse. Woke up to the sun this morning - very beautiful and inviting. Just try to learn something every time you go out no matter if the game species your after are cooperating or not.
We got out a little late due to the rain and it was pretty slow and windy this morning.. Very few gobbles heard. After a couple hours took the kids on a walkabout to get the wiggles out.. We circled back to our setup when I thought I heard a gobble in the other direction. I made a call while the kids were being loud and having a sword fight to no avail... A few minutes later and there he is in corner of field by road we walked in on..
Threw the boys down in our laps and 5 minutes later he was in our lap, dead center, clear shot, neck all the way extended, 15 yards.. My friends boy shot and clean miss. Bye bye turkey. Poor boy had some tears. Dang it.
Great show though. He didn't gobble close though they might of come unglued.. 🤣
Eli, if you keep that attitude, you are going to be an absolute turkey killing machine after another decade. Enjoy every failure just as much as every success. Never get discouraged, and make sure you appreciate just how wonderful God made the wild turkey. I hope your heart never stops skipping a beat every time you hear a gobble. And remember, the journey is worth more than the FB hero pose.
I don't get on the forum much on the weekends. I check it from the office. I appreciate all yall cheering my annoying punk kid on. I've said it before I'm damn proud of the kid and his love for the outdoors. He hunted hard this weekend, and learning from mistakes makes the best hunters IMO! Shoot I learned something Saturday and Sunday both on my hunts with his little brother and I am 38.

As far as decoys goes. I don't care what method is used to kill a bird as long as it's legal, I'm not one to bash anyone's style of hunting and why anyone would esp. a kid learning the ins and outs is beyond me. Hbg1 do you see a problem with my boys using decoys if they choose? It's their hunts not mine or yours for that matter. If there is a problem feel free to PM me and we will discuss it. Otherwise shut up about it!!!