Keeping the neighbors dogs out

If you're going to have five dogs on 1/8 of an acre in the middle of the country, you better have your yard fenced or your dogs chained or ...
My experience after finally being able to move back out of town nearly 25 years ago, is that the people who park a trailer on the 1/8 of an acre are the worst. They tend to act like they own the whole countryside. Besides dogs, they have four-wheelers they turn their kids loose on, and think every piece of property around them is their personal hunting haven, fishing hole, and firing range (and sometimes landfill). I asked one to leave who was running beagles on my farm during deer season. His reply was that his family had hunted that land for over fifty years. I guess fifty years of poaching and trespassing gives you some kind of easement.
When the dogs are roaming can be a great time to be in a stand. Especially when deer aren't moving otherwise.
My experience after finally being able to move back out of town nearly 25 years ago, is that the people who park a trailer on the 1/8 of an acre are the worst. They tend to act like they own the whole countryside. Besides dogs, they have four-wheelers they turn their kids loose on, and think every piece of property around them is their personal hunting haven, fishing hole, and firing range (and sometimes landfill). I asked one to leave who was running beagles on my farm during deer season. His reply was that his family had hunted that land for over fifty years. I guess fifty years of poaching and trespassing gives you some kind of easement.
And your Ginseng, occasional calf, generator, game cameras, and since no one else mentioned it, there are people that set deer chasing dogs loose on others property to move them to theirs for them to gun.

That is the bad ones that we unfortunately encounter. Fortunately, most are just simple minded folks who don't know what their dogs are doing.

Best you can do is capture dog damage or theft on camera and then try to get law enforcement to earn their keep & your vote.

Tough sell on the vote though since a lot of simple minded folks vote too...
Couple years ago in KY, 2 large dogs, greyhounds I think, were covering a lot of ground where we hunted. I saw them several times, landowner talked to dog owners (that did no good) and the dogs were walking through several properties. Several were upset. One of the better bucks I have ever seen while hunting with a tag in my pocket was chasing a doe back and forth across an opening the second morning of gun season. The doe finally stopped and started feeding in the opening. I could see the top of the bucks antlers coming over the rise and was going to have a 120 yard or so shot, buck would gross in the 170's easily. Just as I could see his head, the 2 dogs came out and scared them off. They only chased the deer a little ways and actually ended up walking right past the tree I was in. I killed a great buck a few days later, but I never saw that buck again and as far as I know no one else killed him or saw him and several had seen him. I couldn't shoot the dogs and I for sure thought about it. That was the only year there has been a dog issue there. I haven't seen them since and don't know what happened to them.

I hate dog issues while hunting but I cannot shoot a dog just because it may have or the dog did screw up a hunt.
Shooting the dog will save it from some other type of agonizing death. IMHO if they cared at all they'd keep it put up. If you shoot it and they find it they're trespassing file charges.
I got a story to tell about a neighbor's dog. I had my neighbor's dog on my trail Cam showed him the pics he said he would take care of it case closed right. Wrong the dog was right back messing my hunts up. So, one cold morning i went hunting and when it broke day light here comes his dog. I didn't want to shoot the dog but dang i was mad. The dog got about 20 yards from my stand and started taking a crap i didn't want to kill the dog so i took my 270 aimed about 5 yards behind him pulled the trigger and the dog was bowed up in the crap position trying to run with crap hanging out of his rear end. That dog never come back on my land. I still laugh at how that dog was trying to run.
They're prosecuting people for animal cruelty for shooting dogs these days. I wouldn't risk my freedom over a dang nuisance dog.

Last one I had I trapped it. Called the sheriff to come get it and told them it had killed my chickens and if anyone claims it I want to press charges. Never heard another word.
I got a story to tell about a neighbor's dog. I had my neighbor's dog on my trail Cam showed him the pics he said he would take care of it case closed right. Wrong the dog was right back messing my hunts up. So, one cold morning i went hunting and when it broke day light here comes his dog. I didn't want to shoot the dog but dang i was mad. The dog got about 20 yards from my stand and started taking a crap i didn't want to kill the dog so i took my 270 aimed about 5 yards behind him pulled the trigger and the dog was bowed up in the crap position trying to run with crap hanging out of his rear end. That dog never come back on my land. I still laugh at how that dog was trying to run.

Grit....I know it's early in the day....but I'm gonna go ahead and award "funniest post of the day" award! Hilarious read!...thanks! I'm still laughing!
Alot of counties have leash laws even in the county . The advice about coyotes is a great one to start with .

Unless it's changed and I don't think it has, there is a Statewide leash law. Dogs have to be fenced, tethered, on a leash or under voice command. They can't just roam freely.
I got a story to tell about a neighbor's dog. I had my neighbor's dog on my trail Cam showed him the pics he said he would take care of it case closed right. Wrong the dog was right back messing my hunts up. So, one cold morning i went hunting and when it broke day light here comes his dog. I didn't want to shoot the dog but dang i was mad. The dog got about 20 yards from my stand and started taking a crap i didn't want to kill the dog so i took my 270 aimed about 5 yards behind him pulled the trigger and the dog was bowed up in the crap position trying to run with crap hanging out of his rear end. That dog never come back on my land. I still laugh at how that dog was trying to run.
Note to self: refrain from pooping in front of GRITs stand....