Well-Known Member
poachers are poachers. I used to work with a guy who told me maybe 3 years ago, that two guys he knows went out on opening morning and between the 2 of them killed 8 toms out of one flock. Makes me sick to think of.Setterman":3us5va29 said:The 2 bird limit I hunt in KY is fine and really works on the places I hunt. There's no way we'd have the amazing mornings we do if all of us were killing 4 each year
The biggest advantage to the 2 bird limit is it reduces jake harvests because tags are precious. With 4 tags jakes are fair game as many hunters feel they'll never fulfill all their allotment.
Also for the poaching types that don't stop at 4 and push towards 6 birds here now, they're more likely to push it to 4 if the limit was 2. most won't go past doubling their limit in my experience
Something has to be changed between now and next spring. There's no choice now
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