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Ky juvi hunt...

I heard 4-6 shots this morning where I am. That's a low number imo. Once I got back to the truck after the morning hunt my dad made mention that he guesses kids just don't hunt like they used to. I'm not really sure what the answer is. I have a few friends that take their kids hunting. I take my nephews every chance I get. A friend of mine here local puts on a gold star hunt for kids of military parents. Pretty sure they had 20+ kids to hunt today. Overall, maybe there's less kids hunting, maybe there's less people overall hunting? Opening day of KY rifle I always keep up with how many shots I hear before 8am. I know it's not near as many as I used to.

As far as the juvi hunt goes, I think this is a terrible date to have it. Have said it for years. Every now and then we'll get a good cold snap and it was nice this morning, 56 here. But it's usually always in the 80's for the afternoons. I wish the juvi weekend would get moved to the first weekend of Nov. It'll be cooler, deer are starting to chase and the kids would have a far better chance of seeing deer. I remember as a kid in the 90's having frost on the ground during the juvi weekends some. My first buck I ever killed my dad rattled up on a cold morning. Haven't had those temps in a decade or more for the juvi weekend.
The percentage of adults who hunt nationwide is now about 5% & has been dropping for the last several years. Even when I was starting to hunt, that percentage was well in the double digits. The percentage of kids that hunt nationwide is even smaller. As hunters, we will have to figure out a way to accommodate kids or the sport of hunting will die out. But that's not gonna happen because some hunters aren't willing to share. Just propose moving youth season into early November & you will have bow hunters all over you in no time. I used to bow hunt & now crossbow hunt so I get the impact doing this would have. There are many competing interests for kids' time these days. I have an 11 yr old granddaughter, Emma. She plays traveling soccer & is on the cheerleading team. She has been asked to be on the academic team. Each one of these teams has practice a couple times a week. Her mom works 40 hrs/wk & her dad works 70 hrs/wk. Neither of them hunt. Even if Emma wanted to go hunting, she would have a difficult time getting to do so. Last year, I had plans to take her hunted Early Youth Season. The night before, her dad (my son) called & said she had a pop up soccer tournament in Evansville, IN. There went our hunting weekend. Getting kids involved in hunting is difficult under ordinary circumstances. With opposition from any hunting group, for any reason, it is nearly impossible.
The percentage of adults who hunt nationwide is now about 5% & has been dropping for the last several years. Even when I was starting to hunt, that percentage was well in the double digits. The percentage of kids that hunt nationwide is even smaller. As hunters, we will have to figure out a way to accommodate kids or the sport of hunting will die out. But that's not gonna happen because some hunters aren't willing to share. Just propose moving youth season into early November & you will have bow hunters all over you in no time. I used to bow hunt & now crossbow hunt so I get the impact doing this would have. There are many competing interests for kids' time these days. I have an 11 yr old granddaughter, Emma. She plays traveling soccer & is on the cheerleading team. She has been asked to be on the academic team. Each one of these teams has practice a couple times a week. Her mom works 40 hrs/wk & her dad works 70 hrs/wk. Neither of them hunt. Even if Emma wanted to go hunting, she would have a difficult time getting to do so. Last year, I had plans to take her hunted Early Youth Season. The night before, her dad (my son) called & said she had a pop up soccer tournament in Evansville, IN. There went our hunting weekend. Getting kids involved in hunting is difficult under ordinary circumstances. With opposition from any hunting group, for any reason, it is nearly impossible.
I agree with you on kids having other obligations with sports, etc. Heck nowadays kids sports are almost year round. They even have travel T-ball for crying out loud. Lol. It's crazy.

As far as the bow hunters getting upset moving the season then they/we could get over it. Archery is open this weekend during the youth hunt just like it would be if it was moved for a much better weather weekend in Nov. A kid sitting in 85 degree weather like today and not seeing anything will turn them off quick. Anyone I've ever invited to come in for the youth hunt I always tell them that I've seen good deer movement at times but I've seen it absolutely terrible too because of hot weather. It's so hit or miss.
Well I can pretty much shoot the theory of no deer movement due to temps, how are any deer killed during bow season if deer don't move during warm weather? why start the season in September if the deer are not moving? I have seen multiple hunters over the years complaining about not being able to hunt during the juvy hunt. Bow hunters can be selfish imo. I think the juvy hunt should be before the bow hunters start, they educate the deer and get them off pattern far more than most folks think. More deer are bumped by folks that never see them than you can imagine. The older deer are quick to change areas due to being bumped until the rut starts then they loose some common sense. Makes them do things they normally wouldn't. Lot of nonsense spouted about no movement during warm weather, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it ain't happening.
Well I can pretty much shoot the theory of no deer movement due to temps, how are any deer killed during bow season if deer don't move during warm weather? why start the season in September if the deer are not moving? I have seen multiple hunters over the years complaining about not being able to hunt during the juvy hunt. Bow hunters can be selfish imo. I think the juvy hunt should be before the bow hunters start, they educate the deer and get them off pattern far more than most folks think. More deer are bumped by folks that never see them than you can imagine. The older deer are quick to change areas due to being bumped until the rut starts then they loose some common sense. Makes them do things they normally wouldn't. Lot of nonsense spouted about no movement during warm weather, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it ain't happening.
I didn't say deer didn't move. I archery hunted yesterday during the juvi and seen deer. Seen more deer this morning then yesterday. My only argument is there would be better deer movement that first weekend of Nov. Along with a good pre rut going on. But I know Rob has proposed an extended juvi season for next year to 9 days which would give the kids more time to hunt and hopefully we can get a cold snap some time in that 9 days like we'll have this week. But if it continues in Oct then so be it. I'll get my nephews out there any chance I get no matter the weather.
I have had the son and grand kids freeze out of a lot of hunts in cold weather, it's not conductive to make them suffer, coarse in this part of Tn seeing a deer is never guaranteed. might be shorter sets with increased numbers. not holding my breath for this end of the state these days.
Other states should do what MS does.... once juvie weekend hits, kids are allowed to use rifles the rest of the season, even during adult bow and primitive weapon season.

Give the kids an exclusive weekend just for them end of October, let the adults bowhunt first week of November, ML hunt next 2 weeks, but allow kids to hunt with any weapon they choose end of Oct thru end of gun season in January.

Too late for me now, but i sure wish I could have done that with my kids when they were juvies.

I brought them up last weekend of Oct for juvie season for over a decade, but all the older bucks were nocturnal until Nov 10th or so on my farms. My daughters didn't want to shoot a ML when they were little kids, and my son wouldn't shoot a ML until he was 14 or so, so they always missed out on the best 2 weeks of the season.

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