L-Burg Boys and Pretty Boy end on a good note

Looks like the Woodpile Boys need to put up the shotguns and try hunting with a bow! Are there any turkeys left in Marshall County??
Woodpile Boys are hardworking country boys. I have known most of them all my life. Grew up with most of them. Skinned there deer back in the day. Carried em' goose hunting, duck hunting. Even drunk a few with them. They will get very upset when you talk about them. They are very skilled in the woods, rivers, and the blinds. Upstanding men in the town, and county. But a word to the wise. Don't cross them. We are all like family. Mess with 1 and there will be 10 watching.

Good job Woodpile Boys and to let everyone know there are a few birds left in the county. Just not too many.....
TurkeyBurd said:
Deerlawyer-What seminar are you speaking at this week? Always in to picking up a few tips! Thanks again for your time.

Count me in to Burd, the whole woodpile should go and we can learn from the expert hunter that is Deerlawyer on how to kill turkeys the "right" way.

String- There are pleanty of birds left in Marshall County we will show you next year when we post the 2010 season pics up... stay tuned! Heck I will kill one with the bow for ya.
yeah...I need a new bow. I would love to smoke one with a bow!! I wonder if any fellas around this site have won a new bow that they would like to sell for cheap!?!?! :D :D
I need a new bow too. I think there are selling them at the seminar that Deerlawyer is speaking at this weekend. We can get one there RNT. TurkeyBurd is Driving. We have to take "The TN Rattler" its the Woodpile Taxi
deerlawyer said:
i know you boys got some skills and are good fellas. i am sure half your birds are killed the right way. try challenging yourselves and agree to leave the plastic birds at home and stop the sneaks next year. you will still get all your birds and learn a lot in the process and become better hunters. by the way, calling contests don't impress me and have nothing to do with killing a turkey. i am sure they are a lot of fun though. good luck guys.
Calling contest do have to do with killing turkeys cause it proves i now how and am more than capeable so if i choose to use a decoy thats my buisness so why dont you go shuv off cause your barking up the wrong tree.And there are many right ways to kill birds and every way we use are RIGHT.You dont buy our licenses or pay for are gas so mind your own and since you now so much 90% of are birds are called in and we only use pretty boy when nothing else works.
deerlawyer said:
i know you boys got some skills and are good fellas. i am sure half your birds are killed the right way. try challenging yourselves and agree to leave the plastic birds at home and stop the sneaks next year. you will still get all your birds and learn a lot in the process and become better hunters. by the way, calling contests don't impress me and have nothing to do with killing a turkey. i am sure they are a lot of fun though. good luck guys.
I was really proud to get my dad a good bird after he called them all year and had no luck. So you just keep your opinion to yourself next year. Don't worry bout us cause we can call but if they don't come, we go after them. So thank you for your time deerlawyer but stay off my pitures if you ain't got nothing good to say...GREAT SEASON WOODPILE BOYS
L-Burg Boys and Woodpile boys!!! One county, Great hunting, and Great hunters!!! UNITED WE STAND!!!! Congrats again Woodpile Boys on a great season!!!
deerlawyer said:
are you kidding me! crawling with a decoy and hiding behind it to kill the turkey. what a joke!! i bet he's not safe on a limb either? man you boys are skilled!! woo woo woodpile!!
Looks to me like your the JOKE!! You should try the pretty boy thing sometime I bet the farm you could not get 100yards to him unless you started at 99yards. Whats your name? I think i seen you on the outdoor channel, no that was not you your to good for that. JOKE!
Things are getting a little harsh. I think points have been made on both sides. Points made and taken as well. But next year I don't know whether to try my new ninja suit or chicken snake suit to make my move on the turkeys? Should be interesting anyway.
RNT said:
deerlawyer said:
are you kidding me! crawling with a decoy and hiding behind it to kill the turkey. what a joke!! i bet he's not safe on a limb either? man you boys are skilled!! woo woo woodpile!!

It's called HUNTING....well within all laws. Puttin the sneak on animals has been done since the start of time...Do you think the Indians sat around with Buffalo calls hid under a tree and waited for one to come within 25 yards and then sling an arrow at it?? If nothin else, you should be happy for the guy's dad for finally connecting on a bird after a tough season.

I got on this a little late but this is a great point...Woodpile boys don't lower your standards and comment back to guys like lawyer boy... :D

I have heard good things about you guys and no matter how you hunt if its legal no worries... ;)

I like the comment about the buffalo...Clever very clever...Fair chase is not sitting waiting on animals to come buy because you call every 15 minutes...Fair chase is going after an animal by any legal means possible...Good job guys keep the pics and stories coming... :cool:
A so-called lawyer trying to tell someone to play fair?? Now that's knee slappin funny. I hope you do a better job making your point in the court room cause you just got served by a bunch of rednecks. Court adjourned beeeaaatttccchhh!! (gavel slam, gavel slam)
I'm just glad to see these young guys out enjoying the great outdoors. I wish more young people had the desire to get out and hunt like these guys do.

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